WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Choices Unknown

Choices Unknown
By Graywolf 9/27/2012.

choices we face,
we go, we leave,
we come back,
always wondering
is there something we lack.

Alone the choices we must face.
So many possibilities
upon some so much importance
we place.
Whether tomorrow or today,
who knows whether we'll work or play.
Do we choose it to be a good or bad day?
Do we choose to accept or deny this day?
So many options so many choices.

Only one is available to be chosen.
So many of the choices are exclusive.
Which ones do we regret,
which ones do we move forward
knowing we've made the best choice.

How far down the path is too late to turn back?
There's so much I lack.
Insufficient information to know where to go.
What to do.

Choices are alone amongst many.
They are just like you and me.
There may be many a friend,
many a person, even a puppy
there to comfort and support.
Ultimately I must be me, I must live with myself.
And that's why so many times I wish
I could place all my choices upon a dusty old shelf.
Let them be, forget them, and move on.
A'las this choice is the least desirable of them all.

The choices before me are difficult to understand and see.
I'm so free and carefree, yet, so conflicted with what choices
want me to choose them.

Maybe the whole world awaits, maybe I have no choice
and it's all up in the hands of the fates.

The future unknown, the past overwith,
only the present to contend with.
Alone I face what is now.
Sometimes I wish I could just take a bow.

Receive a mild applause and move behind the curtain
and simply disappear into what is beyond.

Yet that choice, is unchoosable and unknowable.
Everything so uncertain, I'm lost, to try to understand
what should be done.