Leave Takings
by graywolf 5/13/2012
What to say when it's time to say goodbye.
I'm not sure why, why not give a new try?
Why is it I thought your words were true.
I never thought this of you.
Indications were few.
A'las it's time
to accept it's time to go.
I don't understand and I don't know.
The world now seems so small.
So insignificant.
All I want is to see the universe.
The unexplored areas of space and time.
You opened my mind.
to these possibilities.
Someday soon, I hope I can fly.
I hope to see
something way more than you or me.
Alone or together it doesn't matter.
Without anyone to hold me back
I know I can go a lot further.
It's what gives me the the strength
to risk the great unknown.
Alone I can go so much further.
Don't worry, things will be better!
Maybe I'll get to see our savior.
Maybe I'll waive
waive to the angels.
As I pass by heaven.
I'll avoid the black depths of hell.
Oh don't worry I'll gain so many secrets.
There will be no one to tell.
And when, I reach the edge of the universe.
That invisible line between now and infinity.
I'll take another journey.
My destination is unknown.
It might even be crazy!
Don't worry I won't be lazy!!
So, I understand why you had to take your leave.
It's hard for me to believe.
I hope the best for only the best.
I have been the least.
I'll have a grand feast.
When the time is right.
I know you'll take flight.
And maybe one night,
You'll stop by.
And together we can share.
Share what it is that happened.
The mysteries of the universe will be known.
For you were the greatest mystery to me.
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