WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A novel idea!

Well all my followers, I wanted to fill you in, give you a taste of what I'm working on.  I have decided I may be taking on two personal writing projects this year.  The Zombie Wars, is too enticingly fun to pass up.  I may start that next. I plan to turn it into a novel based on the Zombie Diaries short novella.  I think it might be a fun idea and just a completely different twist on zombies in general.  If you're going to use preexisting ideas, one must make them your own.  So, this blog will help me remain accountable.  One of my goals for 2012 will be to start the novel series The Zombie Wars. 

My foremost goal is to finish the 234 page novel I've been working on but set aside for some time. I'm deeply inspired to continue working on it.  It's a fantasized take on spiritual warfare and the spiritual battle for earth.  My distaste for organized religion is somewhat present in the novel as most everything in it would be viewed as blasphemous.  Well, that said, my first and foremost goal from here on out is to finish the novel.  recruit some people to completely go through it and edit it for grammar, typos, misnamed people or situations that don't make sense, etc.  My primary focus will be on finishing the content of the novel.  I consider myself a little over halfway through the novel.  And so, I want to spend a lot of time focussed on finishing it completely. getting it a title and maybe even commission some cover artwork for it.  From there, print some manuscripts and maybe put it on a dusty shelf for such a time as when people would be interested in reading the twisted views I have in my head. .. :)

I want to give you, some tidbits of the novel though.  Bits and pieces to pique you're curiousity.

this is just a short section that I've most recently written, I'll post some other sections throughout that are key pieces of characters etc.

Without any background this may or may not make any sense, but hey, I'm looking more at the descriptive nature of writing than at the overall plot content. ;)

            There before her stood the final prize, the universes were on a convergence of one final location.  The earth was the prize.  A small dusty rock full of life it was unclaimed territory.  Hell now, proceeded to lay its claim to the final prize.   Before Christine could unleash hells fury upon the planet there was one obstacle. Surrounding the planet were new beings. Heavenly beings she had never before seen.  The ancients did not reveal this knowledge to her, she was lost as to who or what they were.  Surrounding the planet, were children in pale white shimmering images.  Their eyes looked ancient, full of ageless knowledge. If the children had any signs of age they would all be between 7 and 12.   Their age was tough to discern because of the depth of their eyes and their pale essences.  They had no solidarity, they were completely opaque.
            They stood unyielding before the hell horde.  None spoke a word. Chris could feel the power emanating from the beings, there was nothing in her power that would surpass the power these beings held, carefully, confidently, she floated the ancient towards the beings. It’s tentacles lashing out, coming dangerously close to being in contact with the beings. She could sense the power flowing through the tentacles of the ancient one.  The entire universe shook with the Ancient’s shock of the ageless souls of these beings.
            Chris held on to her link to the giant blob of eyes floating through space.  Her mind was linked and she could see its endless knowledge flitting through her brain.  She didn’t know what power these beings held onto, but, it was beyond anything she had experienced so far.
            She finally held up her hands in a show of control and leadership of the hordes behind her.  “Fellow beings of ancient powers, I come before you, leading these hordes.  This planet is no longer under the confluence of God’s power, and therefore is released to the powers that claim it.  Let us pass for such is the time of our arrival.  This planet is mine, and the contents therein will bow to me.”
            The children wept in unison, then like an endless wave of spiritual energy they parted.  The earth was now vulnerable.

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