WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Time is Now

It's been a while since I've written anything new. I'm actually planning on working on the novel some more this afternoon. I get a few pages in, then I get stalled on what to do next.  Then I come back to it a week later and have no problems moving it forward. LOL.   Strange how that works!! I'm not going to use the excuse I'm too busy to write.. LOL.  Everyone is busy, but, what matters in life is what we make time for. Time for others, time for ourselves, times for friends, times for significant others. Time for family, and so on. 

Anyways. I'm writing this for a special friend.

The Time is Now
by Graywolf 1/15/2012.

You're silly smile
makes me wonder how
I could have passed you up all this while.
I know there's more there.
I get the feeling we both know life hasn't been fair.
And we've both had our share.
The important thing is we've crossed paths.
And though our lights may be dim in heaven's light.
May we both know how to show each other what's right.

Whethere's only one or a hundred tomorrows
just know we have today.
And that's all the time we need to forget all the yesterdays
and quite simply play today.

There's much I look to know
there's so much more than you show.
Don't worry it doesn't matter
where we go.
Time spent, endearing affection earned.

I know I'm atypical.
A little wet behind the ears.
Lacking life's experience over the years.
You've given me a chance
To learn how to do dance.
I may step on your toes!
forgive me as I learn the beat
to this rhythm.
Help me to learn how this song goes!
I'll do my best
to be a quick study.
For it's about time, I'm ready.

I'm not a crystaline vase
nor am I wanting to play games of chase.
I'm real.
Pinch me, give me a feel.
There's nothing false about me.
I do my best to live in the today
so, join me, let's go out and play!
Let the laughter ensue!
Put away all of the yesterdays.
There's no room for them,
Not when we're through with today.

The everpresent now
is that eternal moment
where things are the way they should be.
And my friends that is what matters to me!

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