WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's Right and Wrong

It's Right and Wrong
by Graywolf 4/21/2012

The past is so wrong
the present so right.
It's so wrong and right.
The beady red eyes
staring in the night.
Ready to pounce.
What a fairy tale.
Is that all it is?
A time lost?

the past was wrong.
The present is right.
How does the world
stop being night?
Is there a brighter sight?
Why is it so easy to fight?
Where is the light?

Sometimes the past is wrong.
Sometimes the present is right.
Sometimes  we all take flight.

Today I rule the world.
Tomorow I'm but a petty slave.
Let's forget it all at a rave.

Why is it I walk alone.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
I've always walked alone.
the past is wrong.
The present is right.
Alone it has always been.

The darkness of the universe consumes.
Beacons of light twinkling here and there.
They're too far.
Too far to care.
No shadows walk with me.
Only the lonely eyes stare.
They're empty
they're free.

Sometimes those eyes are so dreamy.
Lost in the wake of time.
Alone are the moments we walk.
Present to past.
The past is wrong.
The present is right.
Which when do we fight?
Will anyone understand my plight?
Can I just sprout wings and take flight?
When will we reach the end of the night?

The future is cold.
The past is wrong.
The present is right.
Someday we'll be alright.
Unfortunately tonight,
we're alone.
Simply Alone.

Nothing wrong.
It's what needs to be.
Who would understand me?
Who could possibly know?
Few have been to the hell I've been.
I got a small taste of heaven.
And now it's all bland.
Wish I could have my own band.
Play dance songs all night.
Gain a rhythm
let everyone put their hands in the air,
dance tonight, dance, dance tonight.
Never forget nights gone by.
the empty dark nights lost to time.
No sound or rhythm.
Now, hear the music play.
Soon, it could be day.
Depends if the sun comes out.
Depends if the sun shines.

I wish to climb the vines.
Into the heavens.
I wonder where they go.
Can heaven, ever again, I know?
A'las I must live in the now.

The past is wrong.
The present is right.
The future will someday be known.
Love has flown.
Now what?
I don't know.
But But, But,
Why, Why, Why?
Like a child I question all.
It's what leads me to fall
in the nights empty moon.
I'm loves bitch
Maybe some curse by a witch.

I'll probably never know what it is.
However, it'll always slap me upside the head.
Letting me know my place.
It might even be written on my face.
Maybe misdirected by lace.
Misplaced trust.
It's always a bust.

The past is wrong.
tomorrow is never done.
I must move on.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dancing in The Rain

Rain Dancer
by Graywolf 4/15/2012

Rain rain on my face.
Hope you can keep pace.
Your strands of hair are like
a rare beautiful lace!
Rain drops
join their friends in the puddle.

Come with me,
take my hand,
who knows where
we'll land!
Just fly with me
through the rain
where we go
somedays there'll be pain
However, I have little doubt
that there's something
something for each of us
to gain from each other.

The rain drops pelt us
don't fuss!
We'll land safely here or there.
Life has no price, no fair.
Let the rain run down your cheek.
Let it fall from our faces
like some slow falling grace.

There's so much to be had.
So much I've never known.
There's so much missing I know.
Oh, careful lest I admit I'm alone.
That's not my concern.
Alone is all I've known.
It's nothing new.
So, come with me, there's nothing to lose.

Life is a short fuse.
It's not a ruse.
Not some false journey.
Not something we have to do alone or together.
It is simply something to share.
There's nothing left to fear.
There's no one elses life I seek to bare.
I am here.
I am there.
I go no where.
I go everywhere.
I am who that I am.
I'm happy with that plan.
The rain may pour, yet life is not sour.
The puddles may rise and rivers may form.
The floods may threaten to drown.
There's still no reason to frown.
I've seen it all.
I came to a cliff and I did not fall.

The rain is only an indication of new life.
Come, see the transformation of my face.
I don't know my place, yet I know who I am.
See the new life on my face
as the rain drops trace the lines that have formed.
For here it is I am.

See me, dance in the rain.
There's no pain,
there's nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Dance in the rain.
We dance in the rain.
Embrace arms and hands wrapped around each other.
Slowly moving to the rhythm of the rain drops.
Sometimes it's a fast dance,
sometimes it's a slow embrace
as the rain drops pelt our face.

Join me on the journey.
become a rain dancer.
Palms in air,
Let each drop
be a symbol of the journey
Let the music never end.
whatever it takes
Dance in the Rain!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wolf's Blog for April Fools

I would like to write something frivilous.  Something believable, but nowhere near true for such a day as today. Something comical...  Something crazy and silly.  Yet, the thing that eludes my understanding is the most ironic, comical, crazy, and silly thing I can think of.

Though it's not really an April fools joke, at least not one of the traditional kind.  Though sometimes this human concept does make me feel like a fool.  But then again, as a baby just coming into this world, at least that's how it feels to me, i do feel like a fool.  One person kindly told me week after week that I'm naive, ignorant, and completely unaware of what I don't know or understand.  Granted, they didn't assist me in improving my understanding, they did help me to realize one thing.  A baby is incognizant of what would happen if it could throw a fork at a person.  It is our limits and preexisting knowledge of these dangers that us as adults would assist the baby in learning what is right and wrong.

Well, what I speak of is neither right or wrong, it is a human concept that eludes my understanding.  Not that I seek to understand anything completely, however, I don't know enough to protect myself from myself, and as such I am incognizant of my own understanding.

It is comical because if one doesn't know what they're doing when messing with this, not only can people be hurt, but, people just laugh at the things I don't even see or know.  Not that I blame them, I would laugh too if I knew what it was I was missing.  Someday it'll make perfect sense to me and I'll laugh at myself.  That day is most likely a long ways away.  My understanding is pretty limited.  Most people have a 15-20 year lead on learning about this over what I understand or know.

But, as the saying goes, what doesn't kill yah makes yah stronger.  And knowing all I've been through, I know my strength of wolf spirit will allow me to shrug these things off and move on with learning when and where I can. 

So, just as a newborn has to learn how to live and survive, so too as a newborn must I learn from scratch the rituals of love.  Though I find many of the rituals and concepts pointless, frivilous, and pointless in and of themselves...  Wolves just don't like to mess with such pointless things, but, yet, as a human, I must abide by the rituals of society.  And as such I am but a newborn.