WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Rabbit Hole

Well, I don't know what to say about this one.  A friend of mine, inspired me to write this.  We were talking and I discovered I have this abiltiy to go down a rabbit hole that leads to a world of madness and insanity.  I don't know if it's my way of avoiding uncomfortable topics, or just the way my brain works.  But, regardless, I don't know what I'm doing! Ha!

The Rabbit Hole
by Graywolf 2/18/2012

Here and there
we pass through a dark corridor
I follow it's fluffy white tail.
Wait a second
Is it following me or am I following it?
So scared I'm going to fail.
Suddenly I'm falling as my arms flail.

Down down, or up up?
everything's all upside down.
Wondering when I'll splash and drown.

Finally, feet on the ground.
Or is it a cloud?
Soft and poofy
I walk ever so carefully.
The bunny is under me.
Twitching it's nose as it
displaces puffs of cloud.
I tired, and wondering
why the sound is so loud.

Here and there I hear a trumpeteer.
This is the bunny's hole.
Somedays I wish the bunny were a mole.
It twitches at me to follow.
We walk across cloud after cloud.
We look up and down.
the bunny has a frown.

It points at the ground.
It takes a running leap and jumps into my chest.
And I'm suddenly falling, wondering if
this furryThe  critter really knows best.
A  puff of dust rises as I strike the hard ground.
no bruises other than a bruised ego.
I walk around and a well mustached wooden toy
walks by and says Hello Amigo!!
I wave as the rigid toy walks by

Soon I walk into a green carpeted room.
Full of grass like carpet.
Soon the queen comes out,
she's clubbing every one and calling
them all a lazy lout!
The army of spades
and various crazy looking creatures come out.
The queen floats up to me on her brilliantly
red cartoon carpet.
She clubs me over the head with her broom!
She gives me a glare that sentences me with doom.

She stops to stare, then hads a crumpled piece of paper.
A loud obnoxious squirrel chitters and chatters as it
hyperly reads the paper.
It stands up bushy tail held high.
And in a booming roar.
Says, it is decided "You do not belong here."

I sigh in relief, knowing fully well, this bunny
had led me astray.
I acknowledge the statement
and ask a tree standing next to me
how do I get out of here.
The whole army being laughing in an uproar.

They told me I am sentenced to nowhere.
It's far from here.
I'm wondering how I get there.

They all eyed me silently.
They said, I've arrived...
As their voices quieted.
They left and disappeared.

The darkness closed in.
This was the sentence carried out.
I don't know what this world is about.
I don't understand the tree or green carpeted room.
Nor did I fully understand the queen of doom.
Yet, somehow, I 've found the place I belong.
It's a land of nowhere.
I didn't know I was already there!

I sit down and stop and stare.
There's nothing around me, no light or splinter.
No fire or tree.
There's just me.
I guess this is how it should be.

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