WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


by Graywolf32  2/8/2012


A tool to be used.
a tool to be thrashed and abused.
A tool used by the user.
whom wields me and drives me into the ground?
Whom sees me for what I am.
whom knows the truth of my reality?

I seek out the thickest tree
and I'm embedded deep in its bark.
I light the night when its dark.
I start the car when its cold.
I produce furiture.
I do all that is asked of me.
I am a tool.
In the hands of a skilled worker,
I'm artistic by nature.
In the hands of a careless lout
I can only do so much, there's no doubt.
I'm a tool.
used by the great user.
Sometimes I bring joy as I serve my purpose.
Sometimes I bring about great sadness.
there's no rhyme or reason other than to serve my purpose.

I'm a tool
hammers and chisels are my friends.
Cold hard steel.
there's nothing more to feel.
Time is sometimes the ageless enemy,
sometimes it's the most convenient closest of friends.
sometimes it is fleeting by fast, sometimes, it's of the slowest snail pace.
Whatever the case, it is the one thing a tool must face.
whether used by many or one.
Or just there to wonder into lives.
Do what I can, then move on.
Sometimes years gone by,
sometimes merely days
before I take my leave.

I bring a smile, maybe two.
I keep something to keep my memory
of each of you.
then, the forces that be
make me see my reality.

I'm a tool, inhumane,
lacking anything.
I serve a purpose
which is to simply serve.

It's a vicious circle.
It's all I know.

My energy is not
reserved for me.
That would be selfish
So, i give,
like a battery.

I've contributed
much energy
to the synergy of smiles
upon others.

And those smiles
start to see me as a bother
that's when I know.
time to move on to another.
And then
I go on and on.

There's nothing
I reserve for me.

There was a time
when I was asked
Why did you give
that which was desired
after I was turned away.
And I simply knew,
what happened to me
didn't matter.
The fact is,
what little I give
what little I gave
made someone's world
a little better.
For the path is narrow.
Few that find it.

I do not choose this path
because it's one that will last
or I'll have the time of my life.
It's a choice I make
to give to others what they will take.

I do not hold anyone accountable.
My will is indominable.
I am a tool.
Wielded and used
to serve a purpose.

And in so doing.
maybe the world will be better.

and no, no single minor act will be remembered.
That's o.k.
because maybe.
it inspired.
maybe, some of the greatest art.
Some of the greatest actors.
Maybe some of the greatest writers.
Maybe some of the greatest amongst us.
will be influenced by a single act.
And maybe that act
is all it took for one soul to go on
and inspire others, and those went on.
And in so doing my purpose is done.

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