WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Well, it's been awhile and this contains nothing more than a paragraph or two of just random thoughts and musings.....  I just wanted to say, I've been busy finishing up teaching and finally getting my life in order to write more.  I'm hoping to stay on track to finish my novel by June. I just put a brief amount of time into it this week and popped out 10 more pages or so.  So, yeah, I've got lots of ideas and everything is coming along very well.  I'm hoping to dedicate serious time to writing over the next couple of months to finish it. I've easily got another 200 pages or more of plot and story to write.  I've got the emotional energy and mental energy to put into it now, so it's best to take advantage of that and put a lot of effort into it.

Nothing too critical has happened in my life at this point.  I'm just proceeding to sit back, relax, and enjoy it some.  I hope to have more actual writing posted here.. I wanted you all to know that my next novel adventure will most likely be the zombie apocalypse.   I don't want to rehash any movie or any stories already done on zombies.  So, this will continue the zombie diaries short story, with new characters, possibly far into the future from when zombie diaries took place, and it will be a completely slightly more real take on zombies in general. My goal is to convey a mature well thought out theme, amidst a comedic, yet, serious backdrop.

But first, I have a Novel to finish. Unlike the Zombie Apocalypse, (or some variation of that), I haven't in all the time I've been writing this novel thought of a title for it.  For the one I'm writing right now.

I'm hoping to get it edited, have some cover artwork done, and post it as a cheap ebook on amazon. If I do, I will post the link here.

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