WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Toy

The Toy
by Graywolf 2/22/2012.

Who am I to argue
with that which exists beyond time.
Nothing more than a top
a childs toy that twirls
when you spin me round and round.
pull my strings and I'll even dance too.
All the functions
all the technology of the most
advanced angelic toy that exists.
Do demons play with such childish
playthings as I?
Or is it just heaven and its angels?
Who am I to question
that which exists beyond all creation.
My limited understanding,
my feeble mind.
My foolish notion.

Kill me again and again,
What era will I live through next?
Or is this life a one time hex?
Will the next one be
the past or present.
Always moving towards the future,
but, do all exist at once?
so, next life I could exist
as the neanderthall
that I've been?

When does the game end,
when can I stop spinning?
When will no longer matter
who's winning?
Call a truce,
make peace,
Juse leave me somewhere
even the refuse
will do.

One time,
I was maybe shiny and new
then I no longer pleased you.
Now, like the rest
I'm stashed somewhere
wondering if I'll ever be out again
my durability to be put to the test.
So, await, the rest of my fate
with abated breath.
Wondering if this toy
will ever find life or death.

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