WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Current Work In Progress

I am in the process of writing a new short story. I'm attempting to merge humor, some relatively serious themes mixed in with a really silly plot.  It's my first attempt to try to mix silliness in a more mature theme to appeal more to adult readers.  It will be fairly clean, heck, I'll just give a minor synopsis:

It is a diary of a modern day scientist that discovers a possible impending zombie apocalypse.   It will definately be silly, after all how can zombies be serious?  HA!  But, it's a cool twist to things. It was inspired by a friend's child's obsession with zombies. 

Well, feel free to drop me comments. Things you like, don't like, whatever.  If you need something written or would like to know more about me or my works, feel free to get my attention.

I'll see about setting up an anonymous email address to receive private comments. For now, Please feel free to comment on any of my musings!!  I will continue to upload and post new and historical works I've completed. 

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