WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Forest

I tried to find a way to describe this piece, but, nothing I can say really does any justice.  So, I leave it to you the reader to interpret it and see how it applies to you.  It was supposed to be a poetic prose, but as with anything I write, I don't follow any rules or guides.  This ended up being a combination of poetic prose / story based prose..  If I must say so myself, a better title may be "A tribute to learning and healing."

The Forest
By Graywolf 2/10/2009
In a moment frozen in time.
Icicles dripping from the trees.
A crackling sound echoes all around.
Peace and serenity surround.
A wolf lowers it’s head sniffing the air.
The smells flood him with the scents of a thousand flowers in full bloom.
The icicles tremble and fall from the thunderous sound.
The wolf lunges and deftly dodges each one in an elegant dance through the forest.
Seeking shelter for rest, he finds a small den to call his own.
Some days he wishes he weren’t alone.
Others he simply just gnaws on a bone.
He peers innocently through the den opening
Seeking that which had caused the sound.
Nothing obvious he found.
Leaving the safety of the den he begins slowly prowling through the forest.

Looking here and there, silently making his way. 

Again a crackling sound like thunder.
Suddenly lightening struck right in front of the wolf, as he jumped away.
And there stood, a tiny tiny little lady bug, right where the lightning had struck.
The bug, got up and fluttered it’s wings and began to dance before the wolf.
A strange image, one the wolf could not comprehend.
The lady bug seemingly spoke into the wolf’s mind.
The magic is strong in this forest, yet it is stronger in you.
You must be the source, I have rode the waves of energy and magic to find you.
Ladybug, this is my world.  Why are you here? 
Humbly, graywolf, I beg your presence longer.

As you can see, there’s chaos all around.

Within your world, you are losing control. 
That’s why I’ve come.
To show you the way, that you must go.
Squish me if you wish, eat me if bugs beg your appetite.
Yet, wisdom I can show you.
Take control of your world. And the forest will be restored.
The trees will converse with you, though they are a bit argumentative a minor drawback.
The flowers will occasionally smile or sneeze at you.. *whispers* (sometimes flowers are allergic to themselves.  Sshhhh…  don’t say anything.)

The ladybug flutters up and lands on the tufts of the wolfs bristling fur.
The little tiny ladybug antennae seem to curl around the wolfs fur and yank.
Onward mighty wolf, into your magical land.

The wolf and the little, tiny ladybug went running off into the heart of the forest.
There, see that iced over tree…  Now, walk up to it, give it hug, and see the true magic work.
The wolf confused, and afraid of what others of his kind would think of him listening to a little tiny ladybug, ran to the tree the bug had pointed out and wrapped his front paws around it.  Leaning his head against the tree, the wolf slowly slid off the ice to the ground and his last memory was of a tree branch reaching down and patting the back of his head. Then he had drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly another clash of thunder this time only in his head.  He jumped awake almost into the tree.
Looking around, the tree he could remember vividly had been covered in solid ice and was now, blossoming with new buds all around and it’s bark seemed to shift.
Wake one tree up, and by the end of the day they’ll all be waving their leaves and gossiping.. 
Oh, hey mighty wolf, let’s get going by now the whole forest will know you’ve awoken.

The wolf confuzzled, had only been out a few minutes. . as if reading his thoughts the lady bug raised it’s antennae and fluttered it’s wings to In front of the wolf’s face.
Oh no, mighty wolf, humbly I beg of you more patience. You’ve been asleep for years, your forest though still alive had gone dormant.  Your magic had froze it over.   Sure, you got up now and then to take a stroll, yet, you’ve been in a deep slumber for years.

The wolf dismissed the ladybug, after all it was a bug.
The ladybug sensed the dismissal but carried on and pointed the way.
Soon the two were off again. 
The wolf stopped panting and asked to find another den. 
The little tiny lady bug shook it’s tiny head in disapproval.
The time for slumber is over.  We must revive the forest.
What’s the urgency?
If the forest dies, you die Mr. Wolf.

You and the magic of this land are linked.
Revive it you must.

You’ve been given authority over this land.
It is your temple, you are it’s caretaker.
You may lose yourself in the forest, but lose the forest and you lose yourself.
The wolf angry now, squished it’s desire to squish the irritating little, tiny bug.
The lady bug said, now, you must proceed to lick the honey bee hive over there.

Looking at it it was dripping with honey, but swarming with insects that could destroy him.
The wolf silently ran up to the hive and did as the little tiny ladybug demanded.
He took a lick of the dripping honey and found himself unable to resist.
He licked what may have been days of the honey.
And then fell unconscious from being too full.
Days, weeks, months, some time later, the wolf awoke again.
And all around him were birds fluttering, bees buzzing, flowers growing beautifully raised towards the sky.

All around life had sprunch up. 
You see, Mr. Wolf, the bees hives were saturated with honey, and they no longer pollinated anything because there was too much honey.
You’ve revived them by simply allowing the bees to start pollination again and the birds smelled the fresh aroma of the new flowers.
Now you see Mr. Wolf, Life has begun.  Your land is filled with magic yet again.
I must take my leave.
You know what must be done. 
The wolf looked back at the fleeting lady bug, and began to shout, Little Tiny Lady bug I need you!

The bug stopped in mid air, and whispered back,
I’m just a little tiny lady bug.  What could I possibly do for one such as you.
With a grin, the little tiny lady bug fluttered it’s wings and was struck by lightning.
In time the wolf tended all that needed tending to, and the forest flourished with more and more creatures abounding all around.

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