WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Well, to be blunt this wolf has had a shitty week.  And at every turn, there's been something to make it shittier.  I designate it to be anti-wolf week.  I try to be a positive happy go lucky wolf that admires the beauty all the earth has to offer, that admires the beauty of humans struggling to live all over through all kinds of turmoil far worse than anything I have endured.  Yet, I find myself reflecting on this week.  Everything that could go wrong pretty much did in this wolf's day job. To escape, I went to some movies with some friends and well, they were incredibly depressing movies...  Ugg. 
So, I find myself escaping into the world of literary words now!!! (YAAY ME!) 

Well, this musing, is something I'm titling first.  I'm not sure why, but, sometimes a title just comes to me, maybe my subconscious has finished writing what I'm going to write and therefore knows the title. I don't know, but the words just pop out of nowhere and it's just how it's always been for me.  The magic in it is when I reread something I wrote and have no recollection of the words I wrote.  Once written, the words, the piece, the stories, the thoughts are gone from me. 

So, this is the title I came up with.  I have no clue what follows so, join me in the journey for this wolf is on this journey with you!

by Graywolf 11/30/2011

The sky is a bit blue
with a strange purplish hue.
The has a beautiful radiance.
All around is the calm of paradise.

All is peaceful and true.
Day by day in the life of paradise and eternity
is easy and pain free.
Some days its a place we all wish we could be.

Instead I look beyond the boundaries of my reality.
For the drab place I live pales in comparison.
Whispers all around echo.
They start out silent as
still as a calm silent night.
just little whispers.
Whispers upon the rustling leaves.
Whispers all around.
What are these sounds.

Barely audible words form.
The whispers speak angrily.
some are at me some are addressed to others
in an empty place.
The whispers grow startling louder.
Words form within the silence.
They are barely noticeable.
They are the secrets that abound.
The words ended as a final statement.
Somehow the words represented themselves
they became the point each on their own.
The whispers died.
And as I looked beyond the boundaries of reality
I began to see the beedy red eyes.
Black shapes formed around the beedy glowing red eyes.
They were many.
They stood all around me.
An outline of a laughing mouth stood out.
They were having their fun.
Off in the distance from the dream
of the lost paradise.
came a voice.
A singular voice with just a meek whisper
It responded with a stern statement.

Within a moment the whispers
turned into a gnashing chatter.
Clicking all around.
it seems the whisper beings
grew angry and discordant.
They responded in a united chant.
Hope is hopeless.
They would not relent.
Hope is hopeless
they're voices growing in strength and number.
I grew mezmerized nearly into a slumber.
The voices calmed and went back into  a whisper
Follow us.
They almost seemed giddy.
And their beside me stood a being
that I could see.
It was dressed in a white robe.
It's face was pure and white and
beautiful in all its glory.
It's eyes were a deep blue.
It's fingers long and slender.
All of its body glowed in a radiance
beyond any comprehensible beauty.
And in a bold feminine voice
it said to us all.
Traits it seemed to speak for me to the others.
What did I have to offer?
Why would such a being stand beside me?
And delcare these things to anyone let alone me?
And there it stood with all its radiance.
Saying things I did not deserve.
nor was I worthy.
In that moment.
The shadowed beings,
quick as a blink of an eye,
darted at the robed beauty and attacked.
They shredded the beings clothing.
And tore the being apart as I stared.
I knew the beings secrets.
I knew why it sacraficed its place in paradise.
The plan, the design, I don't fully understand,
yet, the secrets the being new, were given unto me.
The secret was simple.
It was what would prevale.
It was something none of the
beedy eyed little shadowy beings could touch.
The secrets are with me
for all of eternity.

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