WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Monday, November 28, 2011

Random Blog Entry (Non literary post)

I just wanted to say that, I think I mentioned before that my life is getting busier.. HA!  What an understatement. You don't know how much work it is for a wolf to stay in a pack, watch the pack blossom and then be sucked by life into other things.  Venturing in the pack, being social, playing, and living life as it was meant to be lived is awesome for this wolf whom has been fairly anti social in the past. 

The problem now is one quit simply of time management.  Picking up the wolf den, performing blog posts!!  Have any idea what it's like to type with paws! And my tail keeps getting in the way. This is no easy task humans!!

Well, social outtings aside, managing a work life, with a social life, while seeking out potential mates, just isn't conducive to literary talent.  This has slowed my progress on the Zombie Short story I promised you. I really hope it's worth the wait.  It may turn into a short novel or Novella.  Whatever between a short story and a novel is.  I'm at almost 10 pages, single spaced, and haven't even gotten to the major plot lines yet.  So, that's a good sign, but, it's still hard to work into my time.

And still have time for this mangy wolf to lounge about for himself.   You know there's really pressing things like licking my paws, chewing my claws, swishing my tail lazily, chewing on a bone or two.  There's so many things to do for this wolf.  The tasks never end..  So, that said, I have another social outting now to proceed to.  I just wanted to get a quick post out there and let you know the wolf is alive and well, and is not being lazy.  I will try to get some more historical writings posted.  Some of the better ones anyways.

Please keep checking  back as this wolf is by no means done or even remotely finished writing what he lives to write.

*HOWWWWWLLLL* o.k. a little cheesey, but, this wolf is signing out for now.

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