WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whitewolf Within

This was written this past June by Me.  It is a tribute to my inner strength and all that I've learned about life.  It is what I had the painting based on, and befitting of my first blog post of my wolven musings!

The WhiteWolf Within
By GrayWolf 6/29/2011

My eyes stare into oblivion.
Nothing in focus.
Nothing in vision.
Inward I retreat.
Into my mind.
The battle surges within.
All around darkness does surround.

The storm comes.
Its evil full of vile intent.
My soul is near to being bound.
The lightning erupts and flashes.
It lights the darkest of dark night skies.
White flashes illuminate the swirling clouds.
They form a portal.

Within Beaming red eyes gleam.
Claws and tentacles lash out through the swirling storm.
Thunder booms.
Doom comes.
My soul near to being gone.
The Demon Lords stand ready.
Flashes of lighting all around.
The clouds swirl and roil the sky.
They’re black.
Black as black velvet.

The storm comes.
Boom. Flash. Boom.
Hope is all but gone.
The demons snicker
And above the thunder
Can be heard the din of hideous laughter.
Beyond the storm lies the ancient of ancients.
A demon dimension so evil and vile.
None survive.

Though they must endure their own eternal damnation.
My soul floats freely within my mind.
It’s pure whiteness pulled and stretched.
It soon will be in Hell’s dominion.
Hope Is lost,
Boom, Boom.
The thunder echoes.
The lightning flashes all around.

Like thrown spears
Forks of lightning strike my soul.
As if somehow it could bring life.
Yet it only brings the eternal death.
Slowly my soul rises into
The black hole of damnation.
The forces are so strong.
And my strength is gone.
Faith is lost.
I say good riddance
And let my soul be tossed.
As good as the refuse heap I say.
No rest.
No peace.

The ancient demon lords Writhe,
giddy with a new feast.
Hope is gone,
Perhaps I’m done.
One by one the demon Lords
Spring free into my land.
My territory. 
They raise their hell banner.
Claiming me as theirs.
Chains are tied.
I am leashed and soon to be fried.
My mind roils.
The blackness of death and torment boils.

For this is the second death.
There is no one last breath.
For this is eternal.
My mind invites the evil in.
Has opened the gateway for the battle to begin.
A strange thing though.
My heart pounds faster.
My heart has no tolerance.

Thump. Thump.
The beating of the heart beats faster.
From the darkness of the roiling clouds
And the constant flickering of lightning

Comes a rain drop.
Then two.
Then three.
And as the drops come faster.
The demon lords look around.
This is not what they ordered.
Who dares defile their land?
Thump. Thump. Thump.

Soon there’s a torrential down pour.
My soul seethes with hopeless anger.
The pain and the torment are unbearable.
I’m halfway through the portal screaming
In undefined, unknowable agony.
The rains come harder.

The lords raise their fisted claws into the sky,
Screaming bloody murder.
The rain covers the land,
The ashen earth, the barren landscape.
From out of nowhere, stands a loan defiant wolf.
Its ear piercing howl echoes into the oblivion.
Its tail raised.
Its head held high.
It lets out a growl.
The lightning flashes.
Thump thump thump thump thump.
Boom.  Crackle, boom!

Thump Thump.
The Wolf walks slowly forward.
It moves with such grace, without a care.
Slowly forward it walks with a confident grace.
Its fur remains un-matted, untouched by the raining down pour.

Where the wolf walks, dryness is found.
The wolf wears a confident grin.
Hordes of hells minions have come through.
All are feasting away upon the destroyed soul.
The soul that’s almost lost to all.
The wolf howls again.
And runs in to the mix.
An overpowering thunder stops the hordes.
The lightning flashes cease.
The thunders stop their roar.
All that can be heard is a faint

Thump. Thump. Thump.
Nothing more.
A dragon, red in it its scales,
With its breast as dark as night.
Swoops Down from the sky.
It’s teeth sharp and rigid.
Fiery green hell flames burst from its snout.
The wolf walks before the dragon
And tilt’s its head.
The dragon drools hungrily as it seeks to be fed.
The wolf raises itself confident before the dragon.
“Hell Lord, this soul is not yours for the taking.”"
This mind has given itself to the black hole of oblivion.”
“Yes, but this soul’s heart is still full with joy, love, and laughter.

This one does not belong to you,
Heaven has heard his call.
And it is yet your turn to fall.”

The dragon bewildered by the challenging wolf
Snaps forward and jaws grabbing the wolf between its teeth.
The wolf Howls.
Thump Thump Thump.
And with that the wolf jumps free of the mouth
And hops to the ground.

Lunging forward the wolf’s claws and teeth
Tear at the dragon’s black as night breast.
The scales rip off as the wolf claws with such ferocity.
The dragon reals back and breaths a fiery burst of green flame at the wolf.
It remains untouched.

“Your Hell fire has no power.
The heart has rang true,
You are through.”
With that the whitewolf plunges forward
With a final thrust of its mouth and teeth
The wolf burrows into the fiery dragons belly.
All of the hordes of hell cry out in unison.
They slowly retreat back into the black hole of oblivion.
The wolf defiantly nudges anything evil back to where it came from.
The soul is now released.

The heart beats more soundly.
The whitewolf stands proudly over the soul.
It licks the soul up and down and
Soon the soul gains form.
It rises from the ground.
With that the mighty wolf bows
And jumps into the white soul.
The being rises from rest.
The Wolf now part of the being
As it goes confidently into the world of the everyday living.
The battles may never end,
But now the white wolf lies within always ready to defend.

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