WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Friday, November 18, 2011

Something Precious

This, I wrote almost exactly 2 years ago.  It speaks for itself, and needs no commentary.  I post it because I like my use of imagery.  It seems to me very self explanatory. 

Something Precious

By Graywolf 12/18/2009

Alone, the stars shine bright.
Dotting the sky with their brilliant light.
A flicker there, a twinkle there.
They shine like a crystalline structure just floating up there.
Careful lest their brilliance shatter.
I look around, alone in  a sea of peoples.
Smiles all around.

No where can my heart be found.

The seas of people mill to and fro

The silence in my ears deafens the droning of the crowd.
I wish the silence weren’t so loud.

Here I am standing tall and proud.

Alone, looking up at the twinkling structures.

Not a cloud to be seen.

All may pass me by, some may stop to say hi.


I scan the horizon, eyes set on a single destination.

Searching still, no where can my heart be found.

I swear I had given it to one.
One so long ago that didn’t even realize she had it.

She must have misplaced it. 

Searching franticly where it might have gone.

It’s little legs, though short, could have carried it anywhere.

If I had the heart surely it would be pounding harder now in distress.

No one notices the empty cavity in my chest.

I hear an echo it says come here.

Suddenly, it seems as though maybe the stars got brighter.

The crystalline structures bigger.

I flounder in the sea of people.

Did someone break the silence of me?
Whom could it have been?
Franticly I desperately search, running through the crowd, pushing

Man, woman and child.

Something’s wrong.

I no longer feel strong.

The life is emptying from me

Through my chest cavity.

Where do I go, what do I do.

The stars continue to get brighter.

I like down and everything seems further.

The crowd seems to be thinning, the path narrower.

A short while later,

A voice again echoes.  
Come here.

A most glorious figure.

One I cannot imagine.

Confident and strong,

Brilliantly garbed in a colorful array.

An array of color and brilliance that shines and defies the brightest of stars.

I beg of the being, where have I placed my heart.

I feel  as though I’ve been ripped a part.

In shame I fall to the ground and beg and plea, what have I done?
The voice in no uncertain terms commands me to give up this charade.

I falter, but stand, barely able to contain myself.

The being, stares into my chest cavity and says you were whole

You were born, and still you grew, and you were full of life and true to me.

So, how is it this hole came to be?

Shame fills what’s left of me.

The being, yielding no sign of mercy or judgment.

Lifts a beating heart from the ground. 
Strong and healthy, beating as though from an Ox.

This, was once something you gave to me, and I told you it’s yours

To keep and take care of.

How is it you could lose such a thing so precious?
The being eyed the beating organ as though it were a puzzle to be solved.

I could only remain frozen, paralyzed in fear and shame.

After gazing for a time as though it were a precious jewel.

He says here, this is yours. 
I give this to you freely so that you may have a new life to live.

Free of the fear, shame, and pain that you once knew.

Protect this, for it is precious.

With that, I feel myself starting to float away, I look unparalyzed at the brilliant figure.

I notice a dark spot that wasn’t there before.

It was a black spot where strong and healthy chest should be.

I look down and see that my chest is closed and sealed up. 

The life blood pumping through me once a gain.

Once again I find myself back in the sea of people.

I’m left to ponder the experience and to wonder why
I gave up something so precious so freely?

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