WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dancing On Clouds

This is a short story I had fun writing and being frivilous to capture that which we all seek. I loved writing this one, I hope anyone that sees this blog enjoys reading it as much as I had writing it!!! 

Dancing on clouds
A short Story By GrayWolf 8/22/2011

‘Twas a night like any other.  The stars were clearly visible, puffs of white cotton clouds hung as if attached by a string to the bright full moon.   A couple stars crossed paths and stopped to stare. This was a day like no other. A day not of yesteryear nor of today.  But this was a day of tomorrow.  A day not yet arrived.

The stars stopped to stare, upon a cloud the  six pointed beings stopped and stood.  Their paths crossed and they looked down upon the earth.   They looked down upon a single building, their light making all a glimmer.

The night was young, and all were having fun.  The laughter ensued.  It was a nice place, a quaint bar.  The drinks flowed readily, the people discussed anything and everything.  The camaraderie was friendly.  “Jason, how can you say such a thing.” Said one of the females in the group.

The table was in an uproar in a joke bordering on crude, yet, the females feigned disgust, they all appeared interested. He didn’t mind the attention, yet none really interested him.  He just enjoyed the time making people laugh and forget their troubles.

“…. What is your opinion on that movie?”  Said one of the more attractive females.

Jason, lost in his own thought s had to think of something quick. “It wasn’t a bad movie.” He jibed into the conversation.

It was a safe answer.  He looked up and out one of the windows that opened up to an outdoor padio. He saw someone standing there. Her back was turned, she was standing. Her long flowing blond air slightly disturbed by the breeze.   He ignored the conversation as the others in their bordering on drunk stupor continued on in their laughter without him. 

“What are you thinking, she’s too good for you.  You don’t deserve someone like her.” His thoughts betrayed him. He was already having doubts.  He stared at her slender body, slightly tanned skin, her long legs, and a summer dress that was just long enough to be proper, yet, left  some room for desire.

He stared at her and couldn’t take his eyes off her. He decided to to challenge his thoughts and took his leave from the table. The others thought it was to relieve himself. He let them believe what they wanted and walked out to the patio.   He couldn’t bring himself to speak, and so, he stood by the door.

“Ned, why do you always pick the tough ones you idiot.” The bright shining bluish star slapped the other star almost hard enough knock him off his cloud.  The other star with a slightly red shine to him recovered himself and stood back on the cloud. 

“Seriously stop it, or your going to be the next one babysitting the moon. You know how much of a crybaby the moon is.  So, either man up and shine your light on this one or go brood with the moon.”

Kehlor, decided to let it be.  So, this is another case of love is it not. Ned frustrated with Kehlor’s lack of attention decided breathe a deep sigh and explain things.  “You see Kehlor, these two  are meant for each other, they just don’t know it yet…. “ Ned was continuing to explain the intricacies of love when he was rudely interrupted by a blank stare. “O.k. Ned, I get it, I get it, I promise, but…. Them? Really? Seriously?   I want whatever the moon is smoking. It seems to be helping him… And you, I got no fricken clue what you been doin, but, the moon and I both want some!! “

Ned reached down scooped up a puff of the cloud, then brightened himself to light just a little of the cloud on fire and stuffed the cloud puff into Kehlor’s mouth. 
“Now shut IT”



Kehlor quieted down some, then pulled the smoking cloud remnants out of his mouth. “I get what you’re doing, but how do you know them, that they were meant for each other, What makes you think you know this stuff.”

Ned heaved another sigh and said “Because I said so.”

Kehlor burst out laughing.  “As if you know anything.. “

Ned expected this from Kehlor, it was just how the starry being was.  So, Ned proceeded with what patience he had left.

“Kehlor I need you to help me.  They’ll never be together if you don’t help me out.  I can see now that their light is dim and they are too consumed by themselves to see each other.  Their hearts cry out for what they both have to offer, yet, they will never give in.  They need some motivation.

Help me create the greatest night of their lives. I can’t do this without you.  I need you to be with me on this.”
“o.k. I’ll do this for you.  I think you’re crazy but you know that.  I will help you on one condition!”

The star rolled its eyes “name it.” …. Not believing he would give in to anything Kehlor would demand.

“I get to lead this time.”

“NO! the last time you led, you nearly destroyed an entire city. You do know going all supernova is bad for the earth.  I vowed never again. You nearly destroyed the entire civilization! NO, NO, NO, NO!”

“Come on Ned, I promise I won’t go supernova, no blackholes, nothing mean.  I promise, Please, I promise, I promise.”

Ned couldn’t believe what he was doing this, but he needed Kehlor’s help.

“Kehlor, here’s the deal…” “ YES YES YES I won’t LET YOU DOWN!”  Before Ned could gather his flares about him Kehlor had taken flight glowing blue through the night sky.  He flashed through the sky like a comet.  He made his way to where Jason was staring out the window. They needed to do something spectacular to get his attention and to create the moment.  Kehlor knew just the thing to do, he waited for Ned to catch up.  As soon as he was close, Kehlor began to glow brighter and brighter blue. 

Jason stood staring out the window the beautiful woman.  She stood there staring outside, lost in her own world. He wondered what troubled her.  What she was thinking.  He wondered who she was, what mystery surrounded her life… And as he was thinking to himself he saw bright flashes of blue and red through the night sky.   Initially it looked like lightning. Yet, there was a slight trail.

Curiousity got the best of him and he proceeded out the through the door and walked over to the railing and looked out over the town.  There in the sky was what seemed to be falling stars falling nearly to the ground, they then disappeared.

“It’s a beautiful site to see falling stars on such a clear night” Jason found himself speaking out loud.  The woman slightly startled turned her head to him and looked at him.

“Yes, they were quite beautiful.” Her heart beat skipped a beat and her eyes glistened in the moonlight.  She couldn’t think.  A handsome guy staring out over the city at the stars stood next to her.  Her mind raced, what to think, to do. She was lost in his gaze.  He didn’t say a word, instead, he turned to the stars and stared out at the night sky. And the strangest thing happened.  There were a shower of sparks as though one of the stars had exploded in the moonlit sky. Jason reached over and grabbed her hand as his heart raced. As his mind yelled at him, asking him what he’s doing and declaring himself insane on many counts.

Jason stood with his hand gently covering hers on the iron railing.  She didn’t move her hand, so he felt safe. 
They both stared at the night sky.  
“Keep it up, it’s working Kehlor, I don’t know what you’re doing, but, keep it up!!” Both stars were just warming up and smiling with mischievous giddy joy.  Ned was even getting into it.

“Ned, Ned, Ned, I know I promised, but this is the only way.” Kehlor had stopped in front of Ned mid streak to the ground.  “Kehlor what are you thinking, I said NO!”

“I know I promised, I promised. This is the grand finally and we have to give them the show of their lives. I think we can do this.”  Kehlor whispered into Ned’s ear with his starry hand cupped over his mouth as he whispered into Ned’s ear.

Ned, seeing the genious in Kehlor’s plan, reluctantly agreed. Mainly wanting to see what would happen.   The stars took to flight and sweeped in towards Jason.

“Hi, My name is Jason” Jason nervously spoke. 

“I’m Alicia” Alicia had the same nervous quivering in her voice. They stared at each other wondering what to say next. Then, just as they were both about to speak at the same time, the blue and red stars came a fluttering and exploded in a shower of colorful sparks just off the balcony.  Jason took Alicia in his arms and whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry if I’m too forward, yet,  this is just too beautiful to resist, may I please just hold you this beautiful night.” She leaned into his arms as he put his arm around her and his heart about burst out of his chest. He rubbed her shoulder as he held her and stared out at the night stars and the moon. 
Neither needed to say a word to the other, it was their night, their moment.  And then, with a loud boom right next to them a dark blackness appeared next to them in mid air..  The black hole formed and stopped time for a moment. 
The two stood together lost in a moment that could have lasted forever.  These little stars didn’t have that much power, but, they made the night a few hours longer for the two.

The stars exhausted from their endeavor took their star forms and went back to their cloud and looked down. 
Ned and Kehlor watched with intense attention as Jason and Alicia had moved on to talking and laughing together.  This was a night to remember.

Kehlor and Ned hugged each other as a little tear ran down Kehlor’s glowing face.  “Ned, I didn’t know we had this much power. “
Ned responded “We don’t, they had to be brave enough to see what was before them.  We just were the spark that ignited between them. 
“Thank you for showing me what’s important Ned.  I didn’t think that we could be that spark. It’s pretty amazing being the spark Ned. “
The two started arguing about who was better and who actually lit the spark between Jason and Alicia. At one point, Ned ended up throwing Kehlor off the cloud. The two continued their bantor and when they checked in on Jason and Alicia again, they could the sparkles as they looked into each other’s eyes.  They could see a new star coming alive as the spark between them grew throughout the night.

It was amazing to watch.  It was amazing for the two stars to see.  They felt dim compared to the spark ignited between them.  The two stars knowing they had each other took each other’s hands and danced on the white cloud to the joy their accomplishments that night.

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