WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Friday, December 30, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale

O.k. here is the full zombie diaries in one large post with everything put together. Some basic spelling and grammar edits.   (Most words should now be spelled correctly.  I'm not speaking for the grammar though.. :P :P)

This is the same as the individual postings, only that it has better spelling now, so hopefully it makes more sense!!!

Here it is without further ado!

A Zombie Diary: A Zombification Tale

By Graywolf

11/6/2011 -12:30/2011

The Zombification Process

It is I, my astute intellect, and the vast experience I have attained over the last 30 years of studying human development that leads me to the conclusion of my research and thus the confirmed hypothesis that it is self evident that we are now at the brink of a true human zombie apocalypse.  I do not say this lightly, I write this to all the government agencies that will listen.

Dirk puts the pen down. Hating the use of computers, he was penning this letter with the use of an expensive true black fountain pen.  The ink smudged around the word ‘listen’ as he lifted the pen from the paper and then crossed out the word ‘listen’ and started writing again.

‘heed this warning.  I have attached a summarization of my research notes with this letter. The exact experiments, and facts that support my notes are available upon request.   I ask that this be taken seriously as I am able to prove the impending shock. I also have a cure. It will not be easy to implement, but the cure is not something that is dispensable, nor can it even be prescribed.  It is outside of the control of anyone except each individual.

I write this warning in the hopes that the global epidemic about to hit our civilization may be stemmed through the power of knowledge, intellect, and wisdom mixed with passion.

These words will inspire much laughter and revelry, I bullshit you not, these findings are real and are a sober matter found currently happening in our society. 


Dirk Fingler PHD

Dirk, not totally immune to the benefits of technology, dated the letter and proceeded to the scanner / copier multifunction gadget and began making copies of his notes and the letter. He had all the envelopes addressed and ready to send to congressmen and women, research agencies, to the CDC, and many others. 

Dirk, stopped for a moment to pause as he made copies and rubbed his gray beard, he thought for a moment as a tear streamed down his face.   The truth was, he was not immune to his pronouncement. The fact that he believed his conclusions was reinforced by his own ailment.  He scratched the flabby skin on his upper arm a little and flakes of skin came off.  He knew without a doubt he too was zombifying.

The zombification process took many years as Dirk had discovered in his findings.  And After researching many zombies and many humans in transition he discovered that some went their entire lives before succumbing to zombification. The evidence became apparent as he wrote of his own life and his research. 

Dirk pulled out a box from under his desk and ruffled through it, and there neatly bundled were a pile of scientific notepads with brown paper covers.  Inside, were the smudges of his findings.  The bags under his eyes were heavy with regret.  He had lived a long life.  He had been a scientist for over 30 years. Yet, his most incredible findings of human civilization were in the last 3. Sorting through the notepads, he grouped a bunch together dated 11/6/2011 all the way to 10/3/2014.  It was just under three years for him to make this discovery.

What led him to this discovery is only found in his journals.  He knew that not much could be done and he knew that he was now beyond saving, yet, he had no choice but to reread his journals.  It was late in the night.  All of his staff were gone, the lab office was the only room in the science building lit.   Outside the lightning flickered, the rain intermittently down poured and then let up and then poured again.  The thunder was off in the distance.  It was irrelevant.  Dirk immersed himself in reading his journals one last time to make sure he hadn’t missed anything.

First Journal Entry 11/6/2011

I am noting the time of entry as 5:29pm.  I am under the hypothesis that the epidemic of zombification is near at hand within the human civilization.  The term zombie instills a sense of barbaric human nature such as eating human brains and cannibalism at its best.   Ha ha haaha.. Some would deem me a “mad scientist”.  I have a laugh as that of a mad scientist, but, I just find humor in my own words.  If that makes me mad, so be it.  I am a scientist. I enter these words in the hopes that some reader takes my writings seriously even if I don’t take them seriously.  I think I am mad for making this hypothesis and I have had many arguments with myself over this. 

I think some of my staff may have seen me pacing back and forth arguing out loud with myself inside my office.  They wanted to ask me a question and then walked off. Heheee.. Well, if that’s what it takes for them to make their own decisions and leave me alone, I may have to have these discussions with myself in front of them. HA!!  O.k. So, I am a bit socially inept and awkward.  My last girlfriend left me when I was reminded of something I had missed in my last experiment during a beautiful candlelit dinner.  I insisted I must get this idea down before I forget. I forget a great many things.  And this idea was crucial, I got up in the midst of my epiphany and yelled “By Golly I’ve got it!” and then stormed out of the restaurant.  Heh… If that had been the first time I’ve left her at the restaurant without a ride or any consideration of her, it might have been odd for her to dump me. But, a’las that had been the fourth time. She should have been a keeper. She was left behind four times, then left me.

Oh well, it was that epiphany that has led me to this journal entry.  So where was I? Vampirism?  No… That doesn’t seem right. (Ink Splotch) Um, Werewolves, nope fairy tale… Hmm.  What is it?  Oh yeah!! ZOMBIEISM!!! 

So, I surmise that there are zombies already among humans. I must perform some more tests. To do this I need to interview a variety of people hopefully in different stages of zombieism.  I’m not sure how I’ll tell this for the true zombies of the world are among us appearing as normal people.  I have many reasons I believe they are among us…….. 

Journal Entry 11/23/2011

Noting the time as 11:32 AM.

I Dirk Fingler, have concluded 25 interviews with people in variety stages of life, varying in age from 20 to 75.  Several had symptoms of becoming a zombie.  Not in the traditional zombie sense, however, they let on that they had cracks in their skin, cravings for bloody meat that they never used to have, and tended to bleed and get cut / bruises pretty easily.

One in particular in his mid-40s demonstrated cracking skin in a variety of places.  It was odd though that the rotting dieing cracking skin was generally around the groin and sexual areas of both males and females.

Of the 25 interviewed, 7 showed varying stages of symptoms of zombification.  Some were middle aged, some were younger, most were middle aged and older.

Some of them were married in unhappy marriages, some were single, some were happy in their marriage.  I have to conclude that status has nothing to do with zombification.  I am going to pursue monitoring news for signs of more advanced stages of zombification. I suspect that the further a long zombies will be found stuck within the legal system.  I suppose I should conclude this entry with some indication some mention of why I think these symptoms lead me to trying out the hypothesis of zombies.

Traditionally zombie as stated in my first entry is a term for a human reverting to some ‘caveman’ state of being. I suspect this may be happening on a grand scale, because of some preliminary research.  My preliminary research is included with this case.  I have noted increased cases of violent, uncontrollable, behavior in humans, a trend in the last two decades the shows an increasing case of decreasing population numbers. Even accounting for natural disasters, the occasional fabricated war, and human disease, the truth is natural population levels are decreasing with no explanation.

Overall population happiness is indicative of a widespread attitude quite possibly rivaling that of the Dark Ages.

Dirk grabs his beard with one withered wrinkly hand as he traces the page with the other.  The lightning flashes outside, the thunder is off in the distance barely audible.  He looks out the window and stares at the rain drops as they fall.  The thoughts of all his research race through his mind as he stares with a blank expression out the window. His wrinkled and aged face has a permanent frown imprinted on it.

His mouth opens and his voice crackles in the silence.  “I, I don’t know what to do.  Dirk, you’ve done all you can.  No. No. No!! You know that’s a lie Dirk.”  He spirals off into an argument with himself.  “You could have done so much more. No you couldn’t have.  Stop beating yourself up!!!  This is the life you’ve lived.  NO, I mean I could have done something more to stop this apocalypse.  You couldn’t save yourself, how do you think you’d manage to save a civilization on the brink of destruction? “
Dirk’s argument spiraled off for another hour.  He walked back to his desk and sat down on the very uncomfortable office chair.  He turned the pages, flipping through more research notes and coming across another journal entry that he found intriguing.


Noting the time as 12:32 PM.

Dirk here again, yes, it’s o.k. to just call me Dirk.  Mr. Fingler is so formal, I dislike it. So, Please call me Dirk.  I have been requested to stop my research and work on research for the local university that would help trace various DNA and genes to the occurrences of more imminent diseases such as cancer.  They’ve presented me with a grant for specific cancer research.  I refuse to terminate my zombie research for something as silly as cancer research.  I mean seriously??  Zombies or Cancer?  Who are they kidding.  I suspect they are trying to cover up my discovery of the impending zombie apocalypse.  I will not terminate this research, however, I will need a lab and funding to have the option.  So, I am allocating my staff 100% to the cancer research to put on a good show and I will continue the Zombie research on my own. 

From this point forward I am forced to indicate that my research is no longer zombie related.   HA!!  I laugh in their general direction. 

Humph.  Dirk laughs out loud at his own statement then tests forming a British accent and speaks into the empty room:  “I laugh in your general direction! HA!” It was a bad Brittish accent imitation, but, it brought a brief smile to his face. He continues reading his entry in silence.

Now to more important matters, I proceeded to dissect a recently deceased in an effort to verify the extent of zombification. Please note that I performed this on my own without witness.  Due to the staff being allocated elsewhere I am documenting my own biased findings. 

Splotches of red dot the paper all over the words. 

I have dissected the human corpse and analyzed the human tissue.  I verified a number of organs and tissues of this corpse. I will need to perform additional dissections. However, so far my findings continue to mount.  The findings in this dissection are similar to the others I’ve performed.  A majority of the organs show signs of being healthy. Heart, Kidney, liver.  All seem relatively normal for an embalmed corpse.  However,  the same patterns continue showing up. The stomachs appear to be brittle and show signs of damage.  Also, of note is that the sexual organs of both genders seems to show much bigger signs of decay than the rest of the corpse.  The sexual organs appear to age the fastest.  I’m unsure of what tie this has to zombification. However, I have little doubt that sexuality ties into this somehow.

I have returned the corpse to the mortuary that I got it from.  They are beginning to question my constant need to get corpses from them.  I will continue to conduct interviews and dissections.  Unfortunately without any staff my research may be delayed.  

Dirk puts the paper down and thinks to himself.  He gets up out of his chair and proceeds to open a normal closet door.  Behind it is a barred heavy steel door.  He presses some numbers into a digital key pad on the side.  The door automatically opens and it opens to a stair case.  He goes through, punches a keypad on the opposite side.  The doors close.   He presses another button the key pad and the lights come on.   He goes down the stairs and he can hear noises and moaning through another barred steel door.  He presses buttons on another keypad and that door opens.  Behind this door is a small room with another door. He presses another button to close that door and he’s now sealed.  He presses a button and the wall in front of him becomes transparent.  Inside the room is a stack of a dozen cut up corpses, and a bunch of people milling about.

Many of them barely clothed, skin hanging from them as though they’ve aged well beyond 100 years.  Their arms are bent at weird angles, their eyes are empty of any life.  Their legs barely hold their weight. None of them have any fat, they are skin and bones.  These are the accelerated stages.  Dirk thought to himself. Soon, he, himself would be no better than these.  It was avoidable he thought to himself.  It was preventable.  The people aren’t brain eaters, nor are they cannibals.  Dirk let a tear hit the floor.  The reason, the shame, was too hard for him to bear for what had happened to these.  This could have been prevented he thought to himself.

He hit a variety of buttons and made his way back up the stairs.  It was a scene he could not bear to look at or acknowledge any longer.  The lightning continued to flash outside the windows and light up the room.  He sealed up the doors as he exited the strange looking closet and fell back into his very uncomfortable chair.

He leafed through yet, more sheets.  It was all he could do not to break into tears.  What had he done he thought to himself.


Noting the time of entry as: 3:32 AM.

I should note that sleep has been minimal.  I continue to be obsessed with this mounting break through. It took several dozen more dissections later and spending much of my life savings paying off the mortuaries to keep this quiet to find out that all the corpses were in some degree of zombification.

A soft rap at the door brings Dirk out of his revelry of remembering his past.  He wanted to try to figure out where exactly things went wrong.  He needed to make sure all the notes were conclusive and correct.  There was no room for error. If anyone responded or accepted his letters as convincing and factual he needed to review everything.  He wanted everything to be irrefutable.

Again, soft taps on the office door brought him out of his thoughts.  The storm had let up outside and there was a brink of light coming through the office windows.  He went to the door, there stood his head assistant.  He stumbled for words like a 12 year old little boy.  She was beautiful beyond measure with her shoulder length dark brunette hair.  Her bright green eyes gazed at him.  And he stumbled for a meek “hello Janet”. 

She handed Dirk a pile of documents. “These were on the copier, I assume these are yours.  I found some of the material rather discerning.  Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me.  I need the funding for this project and as much I think you’re a complete waste of lab space, for now I will keep you around.  But, know that soon I will be running this lab and you will have no purpose here.  Use your remaining days wisely.”

She turned to leave, but Dirk, no longer afraid of her gently put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back.  “Janet, do you have a love in your life?” 

Janet, Hrmphed, caught a little off guard by the question responded in haste “Dirk, it’s none of your business, but, taking care of your pathetic ass so that I remain in the University’s good graces, well, doesn’t leave much time.  I’m fine dedicating myself to my research thank you very much.”

A tear streamed down Dirk’s cheek. He responded much kinder than she deserved “I’m sorry Janet.  Thank you for bringing my documents.  Have a good day.”

She stormed away and Dirk shut the office door behind him as he made his way back to the desk. He looked through the documents Janet had given him.  They were some of the originals he had left in the copier of his research and his letters.   She hadn’t skimmed enough to fully understand his question evidently. It’s too bad.  She’s so beautiful.  I wanted to spare her being a zombie.  But, it was too late; too late for everyone.  Dirk ran his hands through his thick head of white hair.  Some of the strands of his hair came out as he did so. Small clumps were in his hands.

He threw the hair in the garbage can under the desk.  He glanced briefly at the office clock.  It was 8:17 AM.  The evening and night had passed so quickly. He thought about it.  He must have fallen asleep in between reading and getting things organized.

He didn’t feel rested, quite the contrary he felt worn out.  He felt at his wits end.  He locked his office door and turned some music up on the PC in front of him. He had no desire to respond to anymore interruptions.  This was his hour, his time, and the final attempt to try to stem the epidemic.  Time was running out. 

He continued to read the journal entry.

The zombification was very apparent. Skin was dried across much of the body indicating a lack of water retention.  Though these are corpses and would in theory lack a certain ability to retain water, the skin was flaky and would fall off like a 100 year old corpse.  The dead ones were severely advanced cases.  Family members claimed that the people were abnormally old in life.  Interviews of family members indicated the families were closed to discussing the deceased.  They would not release any information.  I had to personally investigate public records.  They indicated 100 to 110 years old on average. The strange thing though was the public records on these people showed them all having the very similar birthdates.  It is my conclusion that birthdates and death certificates were manipulated to hide the truth that these people were well aged beyond years.

What’s also precarious is cause of death. There appeared to be no indicative damage to organs that would indicate a cause of death. I must conclude that although these people were in advanced stages of zombification based on the current condition of their bodies, there is no cause for death that I am able to find.

The writing in the journal gets more and sloppier as the words go on.  Some of the words became illegible.  Dirk rubs his eyes as he attempts to continue reading in his exhausted state of being.

………..  body.   The writing becomes legible again.  I am afraid that the fates of these corpses were merciful fates.  ………..  A coffee wring blots out some of the writing and ruins several of the sentences. ….. I have concluded my research on corpses. It’s time to proceed to understanding the medical records of living beings.  I need a full panel of urine, blood, and other bodily fluid tests, and full body scans to determine if there’s something causing the zombification. I conclude that zombieism is real, though I have to come up with the empirical evidence of true zombification. Which means, finding what is truly causing the process.

I will find the culprit. I will not conclude my research until I do.  I fear what will happen upon my discovery.  I’ll be laughed out of my position and office.  Janet will be the least of my worries. However, I must see this through no matter what…..

The entry ends.   Dirk holds out the page squinting trying to understand the illegible sections, but is unable to read them.  The fatigue catches up to him.  He leans over his desk, puts his head down and falls asleep instantly. 

Journal Entry  2/14/2012

Time Entry Noted: 12:30pm.

My guts are turned inside out, oh, right, this is a scientific entry on zombification. So, well, I shouldn’t refer to my guts being inside out lest those of you reading this actually see my guts as being physically inside out.  Well, in this case this is metaphorical.  I continue to see one of my assistants, Sara.  She’s a few years younger than me, and well, today being what it is, I’ve been torn to try to be more to her than I am.  We’ve become good friends. But, a’las even at my age, the confusion of human relations is well, no wonder that zombification is as serious as it is.  Oh right, I should be focusing.  Due to having to keep up appearances day by day with Janet, my zombie research is becoming more and more limited. She wants nothing more than to phase me out of this research.

Why doesn’t she understand the seriousness of this?  Oh never mind, the truth is she’s also becoming a zombie.  If she isn’t then all of my research is for nothing. I have no doubt she’s becoming one.  Well, I’m adding a section to all of my entries.  It will detail a self-evaluation of my own zombification, in the hopes that my own conversion can be used to save others from this process.  

So I can stay focused despite sleep deprivation I will keep my focused self evaluations at the end of each entry so that those after me can know my own progression. 

Dirk takes the folder with him.  It’s been a few days since he fell asleep at his desk.  He wonders how he could have slept for almost a day straight, he tries to keep things straight in his head as he remembers that fateful valentine’s day.  He had tried to stem the zombification of himself starting that day forward.  Maybe it was selfish of me?  Dirk thought to himself.  He paced the office back and forth, looking out the window.  The clouds were bright, the sunlight coming in brilliantly.  He stared at the bruises on his arm.  He wasn’t sure how they got there, but, they’ve been coming more and more prevalent.  He considered the ramifications.  He wondered who will take me seriously. 

He did everything he could that year to prevent his own zombification.  Yeah it was based on hypothesis in his mind, but, he was convinced.   He paced some more remembering Sara.  Her beautiful long brunette hair, her beautiful brown eyes that could see into one’s very own soul, her skin was a bit pale, but it just added to her beauty Dirk thought to himself.  She was untarnished by time’s cruel scars.  She had an arrogant air about her, she was strong, confident, and unwilling to back down.  She was very forceful.  Dirk smiled to himself. It is too bad she was already far too gone.   He smiled again thinking of her beauty.  Finally, standing in the sunlight, he continues reading the journal entry to refresh his memory of that fateful day.

Well, I am anxiety ridden, about last night so, I might as well get to the point. Sara and I proceeded to have heated relations.  However, the scientist that I am had to verify her zombification.   I did it discreetly but, to my surprise, I discovered she was fairly well along in her zombification.  Much further than I thought!!  I started to back off, but her carnal rage kicked in.  She attempted to bite me.  A man’s got his pride, and she almost took mine.  I’ve never seen such carnal rage.  She attempted to pin me down as she continued to attempt to bite me.  She was able to get her nails into my shoulders and slide them down to my chest.  She then did the strangest thing and almost made me vomit.  She started licking the contents under her fingernails!!!  AAAAACK..  It was the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen.  I had no choice, but to fight back and in my daze I stumbled to a safety cabinet where I kept some tranquilizer injections.  O.k. O.k. I have a sleeping disorder.  I should say this is a zombie apocalypse!!!  I have some sleeping issues!!! I may have stolen a couple syringes of tranquilizers to help me sleep….  If you want to put me in jail for stolen controlled substances go ahead.  This is a fricken ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! I deserve to be able to sleep once in a while!!!

I pulled the safety off and slammed open the bathroom door.  She was about ready to bulrush the door head first.  Instead she bull rushed me and I reacted in a split second I slammed the needle into her back as she hit me square in the chest with the top of her head and bashed me into the bathroom wall.  Thankfully there was nothing too damaging on that wall.  She knocked me out for a bit.  I came to with her sleeping next to me.  She was so cute in that state.  However, I was feeling woozy. Her strength was amazing.  My first violent encounter with a zombie!!!!  WHAT A PRE VALENTINES GIFT!  I couldn’t have asked for anything better!! My first very own real violent zombie encounter!  I left a blood splatter on my bathroom wall.  The back of my head was a minor concussion. 

Dirk flipped the page over and thought to himself recalling the violent incident play by play in his mind.  He looked up where he walked to.  He had gone through the closet to the basement and found himself standing in front of the one way glass.  He could see Sara wondering around in her own pale thin malnourished way.  She was still a site for sore eyes to Dirk.  Her sunken eyes just stared at the ground as she stumbled around the empty room. She would run into random objects then turn and walk more and run into more objects or other people. Each time they would all just stumble backwards and try moving forward again.  Almost like fish in an aquarium.  They had no will power, no sign of life to them, yet they aimlessly stumbled around.  Dirk put his hand to the glass as he watched Sara stumble around.  Eventually he would have to lock himself in the room and then he could be with her forever he thought to himself.   Dirk skipped through the rest of the entry and reviewed the self-evaluation as he stumbled up the steps.  He had found the first entry of his first formal self-evaluation. 

Self Evaluation:
I have performed full physical blood tests, skin tests, and visual reviews of my body.  First the visual reviews indicate that my pride is continuing to degenerate.  Skin is becoming brittle, flakey, and become more and more scale-like around my groin.  In short, the skin looks like that of a 90 year old man.  The disfigurement continues to spread.  Blood tests show healthy statistics for all of my vitals.  Strangely though, I have heightened testosterone.  I’m going to monitor this, as I wonder if this is what leads to the increased strength and rage of more advanced cases.  I will test advanced cases for these signs in the future.

I got confirmation that next week I go to the department of corrections to perform “routine” medical review tests of inmates.  I am very excited to do this. I may be able to get a better idea of how prevalent zombification is. 

--- Dirk, PHD

March 10, 2012

Dr. Dirk Fingler signing at 2:15 pm. My notes have gotten more sporadic. I should be journaling my findings more, but the evidence is mounting and piling up, and I have no choice but to reduce my journal entries to monthly entries and at that, I have to spend my time running a research lab for cancer as Janet piles more and more of her duties on me, even though I'm the one in charge and I have continue my full pace zombie research. I will be making key notes from this point forward.

The zombies are piling up. The news is full of zombie violence, yet society is not ready to accept the reality of zombieism. I need to submit my findings to the authorities. I need to have more evidence though. I need to be thorough and take my time and make sure I do this right.

Present: 11/15/2014
Dirk skimmed his notes and stopped at the point of where he wrote "being thorough". He laughed to himself, was I too thorough? Was I too cautious. The thoughts came at him left and right, he didn't have time to react. Instead, tears burst forth from his eyes. They flooded his face as they matted down his white beard. He finally fell to the floor on his knees. "God, why does no one listen." It had been a week since he had sent some of the journals and evidence to numerous agencies. He hadn't received a phone call, a letter, not a thing. "Was I too late?" He pleaded into his hands. A soft rap at the door brought him out of his misery. He grabbed onto his desk to help himself up off the floor. He wiped his red eyes with the sleeve of his lab coat and went to the door.

"Hello Dr. Fingler I presume?"
"The one and only." His heart Raced as before him stood a tall, thin, mid 40s, female in a Navy Blue Suit with a name tag that said S. Hawkins. Her long brown hair was let down and free flowing. It looked shiny and soft. Dirk's heart raced faster as he appraised her.
"Dr. Fingler, I am pleased to meet you, I am Susan Hawkins from the Centers for Disease control. I am here to investigate the letters and evidence you have sent to my office."
Dirk put himself back together and responded "Please, Please Susan, May I call you Susan?" She nodded as he continued uninterrupted "Please come in Susan, have a seat at my desk."
Susan made her way in to his office and sat down gracefully in his guest chair.
"I would like to ask you a few questions about your research."
"Please anything that would help us to stem this tide."
"So you dissected corpses?"
"Yes, I had the coroner assist me with providing me fresh corpses and other human remains that were waiting for burial."
"These so called dissections, were they authorized?"
"Well, You see, umm, what do you mean by authorized?" Dirk's voice cracked a little as he tried to answer as confidently as he could.
"By authorized I mean were these sanctioned by a law enforcement agency, medical facility, any documentation for the autopsies and dissections?"
"Well, No, my research required it though. I'd be years behind in this research if I didn't."
Susan looked about the room and back at Dirk. After making some notes on a note pad she had brought with her. She looked out the window and shifted her weight on the uncomfortable office chair.
"Dr. Fingler. Is it true that in your notes, You have living zombie specimens we can review as proof of your research."
Dirks face seemed to gain some color to it and his forehead beaded up some.
"Yes." His answer was quick terse with Susan.
"Are these living specimens cared for and kept in a safe living condition with around the clock caretakers?"
Dirk looked at her square in the eyes and said: "Susan, did you not read my research notes, these are malicious, barbaric zombies. They are on the verge of cannibalism. It's just a matter of time before our society falls into barbaristic anarchy."
"Dr. Fingler, I don't dispute your facts, you have clearly proven your points. I just want to make sure the lab specimens are well cared for. I see here you have submitted a cure for this zombieism, it is quite unique. "
Dirk had been eyeing her up and down for some time and she had seemingly been itching and scratching a good portion of the time. Dirk got up from his seat and walked over to the window to look out.
"I have submitted a cure, yes, yet, even you, have not headed my warnings. I am so sorry MISS Susan Hawkins. It is too bad. "

Dirk faced the window, and reached over to the corner of the office where he had a little two drawer file cabinet just sitting under the window ledge. He pulled open a drawer as he talked to Susan.
"There is additional evidence I held back, as it is more controversial, but, I'll provide you the file so you can see for yourself how serious these issues are."
He pulled something out of the drawer along with a manila envelope, he walked back to his desk and handed her the envelope and as he did so, he had pulled out a Taser and tased her on the shoulder, her arm went down, but she turned with her other arm and began to punch him. She hit him perfectly in his Left Kidney with her right arm. Given the position, she wasn't able to hit him full force. However, with her additional zombie strength Dirk was bent over clutching his side.

"Dirk, Dirk, Dirk, You shouldn't have done that. You will regret your actions." She then got up out of her chair and proceeded to kick him, before she could get her knee up, he let go of his gut and ran straight at her arms open holding the Taser. As soon as they collided she started trying to bite him. He held the Taser to her neck and held it on her neck full force, her jaws had just started to close around his own shoulder when her mouth closed and her eyes rolled up in her head. He held the Taser to her forehead for another minute before finally deciding she was unconscious. She was a more violent one, he wasn't sure he could trust her in with the others, at the same time. His research had revealed a horde mentality. That once in a group of their own kind, they mellowed out and weren't aggressive anymore. He hadn't been able to identify the exact hormone or genes that caused the hording mentality. He quickly locked his office door and grabbed her hands. He had also learned that as the zombie strength kicked in, the muscles seemed to loosen their hold to bones. The ligaments could easily tear. Probably from the accelerated aging process. The muscles got younger, but the ligaments and bones got older faster. Hmm. Dirk thought to himself, he remembered something and needed to finish reading the journal he had found. He grabbed her above the elbows and began to drag her to the closet. He hit the security and dragged her limp body down the stairs. He hoped she didn't wake up or she could have the consciousness to try to free the others. He got her down the stairs without her coming to.

He hit the button to the double door entry. Got her in the very tight quarters propped up against the inside door. He then let himself out, made sure both doors were sealed then released the inside door to the glassed in room. He didn't know how long it would take for her to come to, but she was safe in her new home now. He watched for a few minutes then made sure all the locks were sealed and the inside door was left open for her to get into the room. Dirk went back up to his office and sealed off the secret room. He picked up the folder he had been holding and continued to read from it. He skipped to the section on the prison inmates.

Journal continued:
I have noticed groupings of inmates that will not deviate from each other. They follow each other and seem inseparable except when guided back to their cells. I interviewed a number of these inmates many of them were very low functioning, nonresponsive, and the few that answered were bitter and angry, to the point of violence. Several tried to bash my head in with their heads. Thankfully they were fully restrained and couldn't reach me. I had them chained up as I performed a medical evaluation. I noticed the same symptoms that I noticed on the corpses, on Sara, and others. Their groins showed signs of rapid aging. Several of the nonresponsive ones I would equate to someone in their 80s and 90s. Other more aggressive ones showed signs of being in their 60s and 70s. However, the more aged they appeared in their nether regions the more strength they appeared to have. Strength and dexterity tests showed them functioning at that of a 20 year old. Many of them able to bench well over 250 - 300 pounds without thinking. My only conclusion from this experience with the inmates is something is causing them to age rapidly in part and that same thing is causing them to become younger and younger. This may explain why many of the cadavers I experimented on had indiscernible ages associated with them. There is the possibility that they could live a very long time if they're organs and muscles continue to actually improve and get younger and younger.

I'm curious though why much of these beings get younger and younger, while their groins and sexuality continue to get older and older. And even their skin in general gets older and older much faster than usual. This leads to a very confused state of being. They've become almost immortal, yet look to be way too old and decrepit. It's definitely a strong defense mechanism if nothing else.

I too, continue to age, my skin is becoming flaky almost like it's too dry. Yet, day by day, I almost feel like I have more energy, more metabolism. I've noticed my body fat percentage continuing to drop. I feel I may be starting to experience the effects of being forever young. It is tempting to let this continue the best I can. However, I also suspect I know the cure. I am performing a variety of blood tests on the inmates as well to compare the violent to the nonviolent ones. I hope to have those results soon too. I'll document those next.

Oddly at the bottom of the page there is a blood stain next to Dirk's scribbled signature. He thinks hard to himself, but can't remember why that blood stain formed there or how it did. He stares at the paper a while and finally puts it down thinking to himself what had just happened and what to do about the epidemic that he knew he was helpless to stop.

Journal entry: 6/5/2013
Time of Entry Noted as 3:05AM

I, Dr. Dirk Fingler, am writing this entry while monitoring the zombies from the outer window of the basement room. I noticed unique changes in behaviors. They have begun beating on each other. They are all showing signs of bruises and welts. I would chalk it up to disease or malnutrition, however, I have seen them physically getting into brawls. The noise has been at times quite disturbing. They've also begun salivating almost like they are rabid. So far, there are no signs of anything further than violence.
I suppose the violence should be enough given that this may invalidate my horde mentality findings. Upon discovery of the pheromones though, I'm not sure what is motivating them to attack each other. In some of the cases they are attacking themselves. Heh, I have to laugh. It's quite amusing watching them attack themselves. Quite uncoordinated yet, full force is used. Given their increased muscle density and the youthfulness of their muscles they have the strength of 2 to 3 average humans combined.

This would be the ideal fighting group. I've not been able to get into the room to clean the place up... Although, since they don't ingest anything they do not excrete anything. This has saved me the hassle of cleaning the cage if you will, but, despite that, there are some disturbing things. Male genitalia have literally just openly fallen off and are lying around the room. They appear to have healed up and survived what loss of blood there may have been. But, they go on mindlessly ignorant of what they've lost.

I can only assume something similar with the females. Day to day they continue to degenerate. I fear leaving the office at night. Knowing that people in this state of being are out there. On the roads, the streets, possibly around any corner. Though, I continue to progress with my own issues. I have not reached this state yet. Though I have open bleeding and sores in the nether regions as the skin simply looks so old, so dehydrated that it's basically just falling away.

I don't believe anymore that the zombie apocalypse is avoidable. It's upon us. I monitor the news daily, and more and more signs of violence are occurring. There's been a huge crackdown of law enforcement. I fear I am not immune. More and more staff just doesn’t show up for work or call in sick. The world is falling apart, and I'm losing a hold of myself in the process. For some reason "The Center cannot hold." floats through my mind. It is as though the universe is caving in on itself, and I'm at a loss of what to do. I trust that when I am finally able to send this off. Someone can do something.

I have had to lock up three of my own staff working on projects in the basement with the others due to their sudden turn to murderous violence. I lost one staff in a brawl, and another was incapacitated and is currently in the hospital in a coma due to a single punch to the head.

I've been forced to build up my self-defense arsenal. I've purchased Tasers and placed them around my office and my house. I even have a couple in the car. I don't want to kill, but, I've also decided to purchase an unmarked 9mm semi-automatic pistol, which I now keep taped under my desk.

My testing continues and aside from the breakthroughs I've mentioned in the last few weeks of updates, I haven't made any additional breakthroughs. I continue to try different viruses and bacteria, on the zombie genetic codes. I Today and tonight I tried Fingler concoction Z132 - Z145. And still no progress. No results. The zombie genes continue to thrive despite cellular decay. In fact, the blood cells with the zombie genetic codes remain completely healthy and go so far as to attack the viruses and bacteria head on. Within 12 hours, the virus and bacteria strains I've introduced continue to be eradicated. I am left to assume, these genes cannot be modified.

I have an Off The wall theory to try to simulate what I believe is the cure. Given no progress for the last few months with the 150 infected cells I've tried -- Everything from Cancer, to aids, to the common cold and flu with no effect. I have to try something new and out of the ordinary.

The Present: 12/1/2014
Dirk set the page down. He had rifled through dozens and dozens of pages. He was exhausted, but, he needed to makes sure that the key points of his research were there. Which meant manually reviewing everything. He knew he would have to soon lock himself in the room. There had been more run ins with the law and other authorities. A majority of them ended up in his room. He had been working the last two weeks trying to understand and plot where things went drastically wrong. Where was the turning point?

He felt he had come close to finding the turning point; he ruffled through a bunch more pages and found the next Entry. It was the one he had been searching for. He closed his eyes and mentally recalled it almost word for word. All he needed was one more look at it to know what it said. It was the confirmation; it was the final turning point of his research. He wished it wouldn't have taken another year to put it all together to be submitted for formal review. He knew his time was short.

The more time that went by the more he realized that there was no stopping it. He was afraid having his journals all in one place would lead them to being destroyed at once in an accidental fire or some other accident. Given that signs of society crumbling was becoming more and more evident day to day.

He had purchased several fire proof and bullet proof safes. He locked them securely with big solid padlocks. Some with keys some with combinations, The combinations he hid in his desk in his office and kept the safes at home, and the keys he kept at home and one in his car for the other safe. He made copies of all his research at this point and kept them all safely locked away.

Dirk had grabbed his fountain pen again and continued writing. It was the final piece of his journal. He knew the cure, he knew what was coming, and knew he had to be quick. He continued writing the journal entry that summed up his three years of research. The tears came more and more frequently to his eyes. Some of them mixed with blood landed on the parchment he was writing on. He had done everything he could; now he had to accept his fate. He picked up the last journal entry he would read one last time. It was the turning point. Though there was so much more to his research, Dirk understood now, and didn't need to read anymore.

He wept as he formed that journal entry in his mind, he put the pen down before finishing the entry he was working on to remember everything he had done.

12/1/2014 - Present
Dirk continued to weep as he read that fateful entry. He was so close to a cure, and it eluded his grasp from this point forward. But it confirmed everything he had worked toward up to that point, and everything afterwards was for nothing because he finally realized that this particular turning point and he had reached the epidemy of his research, and what he sought to accomplish was unaccomplishable.

Journal Entry 6/7/2013
Time of entry: 1:17AM

I Dr. Dirk Fingler am documenting my huge discovery today. I am so elated, there is hope, and there is hope for the human race!! I have discovered and confirmed the cure to zombieism. I think my staff saw me as maniacal or hysterical today. Muahahahaahah!! Heh, Just a hideous laugh to reinforce their view of me. Heh. :) :) :) I write the smiley faces because it's a reflection of the hope I feel for myself and the human race based on the findings I found over the last two days.

It seems like it has taken forever, but I have finally discovered what I believe to be the cure to zombieism. I have to wait to see what the effects are fully. But, so far the results are amazing. I am so ELATED!! Even if people do not agree with my assessment of society falling into the zombie apocalypse. I have the cure and that's all that matters.

So, on this day, the 7th day of the sixth month of the two thousand and fourteenth years since the Christian savior performed his own miracle of resurrection from the dead, I too have found the salvation for the human race.

It's so simple my fellow scientists and colleagues. It's so beyond the understanding of the scientific community it almost eluded me as well, though I had many suspicions over time that led me to believe my ultimate findings. First, I'll detail my experiment that is the basis of my elation and my findings.

I took several petrie dishes of living zombie blood. One of them my blood, others from extractions from the basement (carefully extracted so as not to become their food or whatever-- I had to flood the room with noxious gasses. It seems even zombies are not immune to high concentrations of gasses.) I retrieved blood from several specimens in various states of zombieism.

I had submitted over time that my hypothesis on curing zombieism was actually the degradation of meaningful human relationships. As humans turned more and more to lust and disregarded the care, respect, and need for human love, I hereby submit and confirm that as lust came to the center of human society, so did barbaric human traits, pre-self-awareness. Embedded in these ancient parts of the brain is barbarism, lack of speech, extreme focuses on anger and self-preservation to the point of violating each other. There was limited, if any respect for other individuals, and it seems these pre - "human" parts of the brain were simply guided on instinctual being with limited emotional control (If any).

That is my supposition. Quite simply in laymen's terms, Zombie genes have always been in our blood, they became more and more active over generations, as love turned to lust and love was left behind. I am deeply alarmed that my supposition is an accurate reflection of the current state of human affairs.

So, how do I know this and how do I test for this. When all the other more factual scientific efforts failed I had eliminated the most obvious of possibilities. That the genetics were some form of blood defense. When in reality, it was quite simply a degeneration of human evolution. Human progression into the information age did not actually smarten the race or continue the race on its evolutionary path. In fact, as humans let go of human emotion and more importantly the concept of human love, humans quite frankly degenerated. Lust without Love led me, led us, and led the entire human race to its destruction. Not nuclear bombs, not some atom smasher accidently creating a black hole. It was quite simply the removal of love from the human equation.

The test then, that proves my theories, is repeatable, is measurable, and is completely scientific. I would encourage you, my fellow colleagues to try and repeat my findings. I guarantee you will get the same results as I did. So, without further ado, the cure.

I thought about how to invoke feelings of love and charity. How can one make blood in a petrie dish feel "loved" ???

So, I went out and got an array of music, small sets of speakers, several sound proof cabinets. And put each dish in a cabinet with a couple dozen different love songs, I put two different love songs with each dish and had them repeat. I tried a combination of contemporary love songs from the 50s and 60s, I tried classic rock love songs from the 80s, and finally I tried some country love songs (PUKE).

I put them on repeat and tested for the blood for the zombie genes for the last two days. Within 24 hours of the music playing, 8 of the 12 dishes had the zombie genes completely missing. As if they just disappeared into thin air. I'm unsure where they went or if the blood quite simply mutated and treated them as a virus and eradicated them. Just to be sure, I switched some of the dishes around with different music that hadn't worked. And the remaining four dishes within the last 10 hours also showed no signs of the zombie genes.

I have no choice but to assume now that love is the eradicating element that would restore the genes back to their original states and allow humans to recover.

I am immediately implementing human trials. Actually a massive human trial. I have Ran large speakers into the room in the basement. Other than the eight songs that didn't work I am playing the 16 songs that did work and putting them on repeat. I am about to turn the music on now, as loud as it will go to see if I can actually revert any of the living zombies into some form of pre-barbarism state.

I will update my results tomorrow after the music has had a chance to play for 24 hours straight. I am so overjoyed I may have found my own cure. I'll be listening to music myself with headphones for the next 24 hours as well.

Dr. Fricken happy Dirk Fingler Signing out. XOXOXOXOXO my zombie Apocalypse avoidant world!!!

Dirk, put the sheet down and open his watery eyes. Recalling the joy he felt. And the hopelessness that came afterwards when he realized the next day and the next weeks that the music had no effect on the zombie horde whatsoever. Of course it all made sense. Blood at a cellular level was one thing, but, to "Make" anyone actually feel a full emotion, an emotion as complex as Love, was an entirely different story. No matter what he tried, he could not make the zombies "feel" anything.

Dirk sat back down in his office chair. And wrote out his final entry for anyone that would listen to see and read. It was his last entry; there was nothing else he could do. ......


'And now for something completely strange in the news, Monica, you have this outrageous story!! Please tell our viewers what you have found out so far. For our viewers, Monica is reporting LIVE! at the Milton-Fingler Research Institute where some hideous research has come to the forefront. Monica, take it away! “The well dressed, well combed, thin, news anchor gleefully said as the camera zoomed out and was replaced with a head shot of a blond, blue eyed, short well placed hair. The lady was smiling at the camera as she spoke. The camera panned out and took in a big building with glass double doors. "Thank you Ted, I am reporting live at the Milton-Fingler Research Institute where gruesome crimes have been purportedly been taken. I need to warn my viewers out there that what they will be seeing in the next few minutes is horrific. Please keep children away!! "

The Camera Panned out more and showed half a dozen ambulances all lined up at the front of the building and numerous police cars with police running in and out of the building.”Jim, get this" The lady points emphatically off camera. The camera spins around making almost making any viewer watching sick.

"Ladies and gentlemen they are bringing out the person solely responsible for these heinous crimes. He was the lead researcher here and after interviewing a number of his staff, they all felt he was a bit weird, but never believed him capable of these crimes. You are seeing Dr. "Zombie" Dirk Fingler. He was the lead scientist here, but, he turns out to be a 'mad' scientist. "

The camera shows Dirk in his white beard and thin white hair in a blood stained white lab coat. His eyes were facing the ground. He looked at no one as the police literally carried him out of his office and were about to stuff him into a police car. "Dr. Dr. Fingler, is there anything you'd like to say to our viewers before you're carted off to prison for the rest of your life."

Several policemen hold his arms as he looks up and into the camera with his deep brown eyes. "Yes, There is something I would like to say. I have discovered the cure to stop Zombieism. There is no hope for people already zombified, but for anyone not showing signs yet, there is a cure, a prevention. "
The cops start to pull him away and he looks back at the camera and mouths inaudible words at the camera. Evidently the microphone had been turned off as it quickly panned back to the onsite news anchor.

"There you have it from the good, should I say, mad doctor himself. Dr. Dirk Fingler, is taken away to put an end to the madness that surrounds this research center. Let's go have a first-hand look at the research performed him."
The television goes blank for a minute, and then comes back on showing what looks to be a normal desk with papers scattered about, and a PC.

"This office looks pretty normal my viewers, but let's have a first-hand look at the sick case of what went on here."

The camera bounces around as the camera goes down the stairs to the holding room. "Here my viewers, is the vileness that rivals the Silence of the Lambs!!

The camera pans past the anchor and takes in the room through the glass windows of gant looking people walking stiffly around. Some of them bloody, and others with black and blue sunken eyes. The camera zooms in on the sunken eyes, the skin tight arms and legs, then takes in the floor and zooms in on male genitalia just lying on the ground. The people are at best wearing tattered clothing. Some of it stuck to them in blood, and others are purely naked with their skin so tight that individual bones can be seen. The people just randomly barely walk about the room.

"Doctors are on their way to take each of these people to the hospital to try to treat them as best as we can. These people show signs of sexual abuse, malnourishment, and severe severe torture. To my audience, this is so horrendous being here in person seeing this. What you see is nothing compared to the first hand views of theses poor poor people.

The camera bounces again and someone comes running to the anchor with a sheet of parchment and hands it to the anchor. My audience, I've just been handed what looks to be a journal or diary entry of some type. I'm being told that the good mad doctor journaled all of his crimes. Evidently to brag about his accomplishments. This is the first hand view of his last journal entry; the ink is still a little fresh.

The camera zooms in on the final entry:
"I, Dr. Dirk Fingler, now realize that society will not understand my findings. After having to take in several officials against their will because they too were zombies. I have no choice but to file my final entry for someone to find when the apocalypse is already upon us. To you, I write this entry in the hopes that I can give you hope. First of all the stages of zombieism:
Stage 1. Flaking of skin near the groin.
Stage 2. Increased metabolism and vitality, symptom most likely would be increasing weight loss.
Stage 3. A lust for raw meat. Not disruptive, but the craving is there.
Stage 4. Increased strength, this happens slowly as the metabolism increases, but, the strength will definitely be noticeable.
Stage 5. Final stage, is complete degeneration of the groin, and massive elevations of anger and massive increases in vitality and strength. However, by stage 5, your brain will have evolved to minimal thought and be completely instinctual.
I leave you my friends with ... They are pounding at my door. I don't have time to ..853215. .......

May the human race sur.........an ink streak blotches across the page and several tears in the parchment indicate where the fountain pen pressed too hard.

The camera Pans back to the News anchor and the screen is paused...

"So Jake, after seeing it for the hundredth time, have any thoughts on what it means?" A fat gruff, bearded man, completely disheveled in old tattered blood stained jeans and tattered t-shirt that said "Jakes Muffler Repair" on it, was standing holding a 12 gauge shot gun with the end facing up. A pistol holstered in his thick belt with a gold horse for a belt buckle. " The bearded Jake looked away from the tv and chewed on his toothpick some more. Turned his attention to Brad... "Brad" In a degrading southern accent. "I don't fuckin know what it means yet, but, I think we should check out the guys house. He was onto something, he has or knows of the cure. I think what he mouthed at the camera was also important, I just need to watch it in slow motion some more, I'm no lip reader though Brad. This Fuckin sucks.

"Jake, I don't want nuno that swearin, anymoor, got it hon?" A long brown haired hazel eyed thin beauty walks up to Jake and puts her arm around him. She's dressed in a tattered t-shirt that shows her bra underneath and a pair of skin tight shorts that look like they weren't quite designed for her. Jake just looked at her and gave her short peck on the cheek, she smiled up at him as she considered the mid-day heat. "Well, We're a long ways from Milton-Fingler Research Institute." Brad broke into the moment. Brad was a tall slim fellow, dressed in western clothing. A western vest and a western cowboy hat, steel toed boots, and jeans too big for him. But they fit well enough with a belt. Holstered on his hip were two revolvers, and across his back were two rifles crisscrossed behind him. Beside him rested a well warn backpack covered in dust and faded colors.

Brad looked to the two before him. "What yah thinkin? Do we head out? "

Brad, Jake, and Trina all looked at each other. No words needed to be said, they took each other's hands and walked out the door of the apartment where they had been reviewing the footage that had been on some type of replay.. They had stopped for supplies when they came across the video. The fact the tv was on, was a warning, but, no one was there, just a couple bloated corpses pretty much decayed and devoured by nature. The stench had been intolerable, but, the footage was worth it. It was their first big break since losing Fred. The trio made their way out into the sun, they each contemplated the meaning of the video. The video that had shown to be years old and so they had no idea whether it offered any hope or not for saving what remained of the human race. How much remained was just as unknown as the cure to the three that went out on foot in search of a vehicle with sufficient fuel to get them to their next stop....

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale - Ends, Yet, The Zombie War Now Begins....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

After Thoughts- On the "Zombie Diaries"

Well, I just finished the conclusion to the "Zombie Diaries: A zombification tale" .  I am pleased with how it turned out and I was able to get everything into it I wanted to.  I left sufficient journal entries out to build on in the future if I so choose, and I concluded it with a conclusion I like so the reader can form their own conclusions as to what really happened.

It may be a short Novella.  What I mean by that is it may be too large to be a short story  and too long to be a novel.  My PC is down at the moment, don't worry, I know I haven't lost anything.  I know what I need to do to get it operational again.  Once it's operational, maybe tomorrow hopefully, I plan on pulling off the story and merging the new entries with where I left off in the Word doc. Once it's fully combined. I'll repost the entire story in it's entireity as one fairly long post for readers to see how it all comes together.

I did merge in some of my frustrations with our own human society.  As a relatively new single guy welcomed into singledom over 6-7 months ago, I really have to say I'm disappointed in our society. And a  bit frustrated with it. I'm not saying it's bad. I know why it is the way it is. There is some logic to our state of being.  However, heheeh.. The long term consequences of our society remaining in this fear of actually being close to someone, is emotional zombification.  Or near to it.  Regardless of what the readers think. I love the story, and the theme. It comes across well I hope, and I'm amused at my own creativity even if no one else is. :)

My posts of short stories may be limited now. As, my next task...  Is teaching and finishing my novel. Both are time consuming considering that with the influx of new ideas for my novel, I have probably again as much as I've already written to write.  I have around 280 pages written and easily have another 200-300 pages of story to write.  Especially as I realize that I'm getting more and more descriptive in my writing. In the past, my descriptiveness was limited to a few sentences, where now, I'm describing things that take pages to describe.  It's something I've learned from good novel writers. Not being anal about the descriptiveness, but, describing scenes to make them more realistic, to paint the picture as I view it and make everything more real in living color rather than just saying a few words about something. Usually I limit it to important qualities, but you have to throw in some unimportant qualities to make keep readers off guard.

Well, anyways, I'll post when I have the full story ready to post as a single story.... I hope you all enjoyed the Zombie Diaries.  There's definately a lot more to come with where I left it off at. 

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale; (9) Conclusion!

12/1/2014 - Present
Dirk continued to weep as he read that fateful entry. He was so close to a cure, and it eluded his grasp from this point forward. But it confirmed everything he had worked toward up to that point, and everything afterwards was for nothing because he finally realized that this particular turning point and he had reached the epidemy of his research, and what he sought to accomplish was unaccomplishable. 

Journal Entry 6/7/2013
Time of entry: 1:17AM

I Dr. Dirk Fingler am documenting my huge discovery today. I am so elated, there is hope, there is hope for the human race!! I have discovered and confirmed the cure to zombieism.  I think my staff saw me as maniacal or hysterical today. Muahahahaahah!! Heh, Just a hideous laugh to reenforce their view of me. Heh. :) :) :)   I write the smiley faces because it's a reflection of the hope I feel for myself and the human race based on the findings I found over the last two days. 

It seems like it has taken forever, but I have finally discovered what I believe to be the cure to zombieism.  I have to wait to see what the effects are fully.  But, so far the results are amazing.  I am so ELATED!! Even if people do not agree with my assessment of society falling into the zombie apocalypse. I have the cure and that's all that matters.

So, On this day, the 7th day of the sixth month of the two thousand and fourteenth year since the Christian savior performed his own miracle of resurrection from the dead, I too have found the salvation for the human race.

It's so simple my fellow scientists and colleagues. It's so beyond the understanding of the scientific community it almost eluded me as well, though I had many suspicions over time that led me to believe my ultimate findings.  First, I'll detail my experiment that is the basis of my elation and my findings. 

I took several petrie dishes of living zombie blood.  One of them my blood, others from extractions from the basement (carefully extracted so as not to become their food or whatever-- I had to flood the room with noxious gasses.   It seems even zombies are not immune to high concentrations of gasses.)  I retrieved blood from several specimens in various states of zombieism. 

I had submitted over time that my hypothesis on curing zombieism was actually the degradation of meaningful human relationships.  As humans turned more and more to lust and disregarded the care, respect, and need for human love, I hereby submit and confirm that as lust came to the center of human society, so did barbaric human traits, pre-self awareness.  Embedded in these ancient parts of the brain is barbarism, lack of speech, extreme focuses on anger and self preservation to the point of violating each other.  There was limited, if any respect for other individuals, and it seems these pre - "human" parts of the brain were simply guided on instinctual being with limited emotional control (If any). 

That is my supposition.  Quite simply in laymen's terms, Zombi genes have always been in our blood, they became more and more active over generations, as love turned to lust and love was left behind.  I am deeply alarmed that my supposition is an accurate reflection of the current state of human affairs.

So, how do I know this and how do I test for this.  When all the other more factual scientific efforts failed I had eliminated the most obvious of possibilities.  That the genetics were some form of blood defense.  When in reality, it was quite simply a degeneration of human evolution.  Human progression into the information age did not actually smarten the race or continue the race on it's evolutionary path. In fact, as humans let go of human emotion and more importantly the concept of human love, humans quite frankly degenerated.  Lust without Love led me, led us, led the entire human race to its destruction. Not nuclear bombs, not some atom smasher accidently creating a black hole.  It was quite simply the removal of love from the human equation. 

The test then, that proves my theories, is repeatable, is measurable, and is completely scientific.  I would encourage you, my fellow collegues to try and repeat my findings. I guarantee you will get the same results as I did.  So, without further ado, the cure.

I thought about how to invoke feelings of love and charity.  How can one make blood in a petrie dish feel "loved" ???

So, I went out and got an array of music, small sets of speakers, several sound proof cabinets.  And put each dish in a cabinet with a couple dozen different love songs, I put two different love songs with each dish and had them repeat.  I tried a combination of contemporary love songs from the 50s and 60s, I tried classic rock love songs from the 80s, and finally I tried some country love songs (PUKE).

I put them on repeat and tested for the blood for the zombie genes for the last two days.  Within 24 hours of the music playing, 8 of the 12 dishes had the zombie genes completely missing.  As if they just disappeared into thin air. I'm unsure where they went or if the blood quite simply mutated and treated them as a virus and irradicated them.  Just to be sure, I switched some of the dishes around with different music that hadn't worked. And the remaining four dishes within the last 10 hours also showed no signs of the zombie genes. 

I have no choice but to assume now that love is the irradicating element that would restore the genes back to their original states and allow humans to recover.

I am immediately implementing human trials. Actually  a massive human trial.  I have Ran large speakers into the room in the basement. Other than the eight songs that didn't work I am playing the 16 songs that did work and putting them on repeat. I am about to turn the music on now, as loud as it will go to see if I can actually revert any of the living zombies into some form of pre-barbarism state.

I will update my results tomorrow after the music has had a chance to play for 24 hours straight. I am so overjoyed I may have found my own cure. I'll be listening to music myself with headphones for the next 24 hours as well.

Dr. Fricken happy Dirk Fingler Signing out. XOXOXOXOXO my zombie Apocalypsed avoidant world!!!

Dirk, put the sheet down and open his watery eyes.  Recalling the joy he felt.  And the hopelessness that came afterwards when he realized the next day and the next weeks that the music had no effect on the zombie horde whatsoever.  Of course it all made sense.  Blood at a cellular level was one thing, but, to "Make" anyone actually feel a full emotion, an emotion as complex as Love, was an entirely different story.  No matter what he tried, he could not make the zombies "feel" anything. 

Dirk sat back down in his office chair.  And wrote out his final entry for anyone that would listen to see and read.    It was his last entry, there was nothing else he could do. ......


'And now for something completely strange in the news, Monica, you have this outrageous story!! Please tell our viewers what you have found out so far.  For our viewers, Monica is reporting LIVE! at the Milton-Fingler Research Institute where some hideous research has come to the forefront.  Monica, take it away! "  The well dressed, well combed, thin, news anchor gleefully said as the camera zoomed out and was replaced with a head shot of a blond, blue eyed, short well placed hair.  The lady was smiling at the camer as she spoke.  The camera panned out and took in a big building with glass double doors.  "Thank you Ted, I am reporting live at the Milton-Fingler Research Institute where gruesome crimes have been purportedly been taken.  I need to warn my viewers out there that what they will be seeing in the next few minutes is horrific.  Please keep children away!! "

The Camera Panned out more and showed half a dozen ambulances all lined up at the front of the building and numerous police cars with police running in and out of the building.  "Jim, get this" The lady points emphatically off camera.  The camera spins around making almost making any viewer watching sick.

"Ladies and gentlemen they are bringing out the person souly responsible for these heinous crimes.  He was the lead researcher here and after interviewing a number of his staff, they all felt he was a bit weird, but never believed him capable of these crimes.  You are seeing Dr. "Zombie" Dirk Fingler.  He was the lead scientist here, but, he turns out to be a 'mad' scientist. "

The camera shows Dirk in his white beard and thin white hair in a blood stained white lab coat.  His eyes were facing the ground.  He looked at no one as the police literally carried him out of his office and were about to stuff him into a police car. "Dr. Dr. Fingler, is there anything you'd like to say to our viewers before you're carted off to prison for the rest of your life."

Several policemen hold his arms as he looks up and into the camera with his deep brown eyes.  "Yes, There is something I would like to say.  I have discovered the cure to stop Zombieism.  There is no hope for people already zombified, but for anyone not showing signs yet, there is a cure, a prevention. "
The cops start to pull him away and he looks back at the camera and mouths inaudible words at the camera. Evidently the microphone had been turned off as it quickly panned back to the onsite news anchor. 

"There you have it from the good, should I say, mad doctor himself.  Dr. Dirk Fingler, is taken away to put an end to the madness that surrounds this research center.  Let's go have a first hand look at the research performed him."
The television goes blank for a minute, and then comes back on showing what looks to be a normal desk with papers scattered about, and a PC.

"This office looks pretty normal my viewers, but let's have a first hand look at the sick case of what went on here."

The camera bounces around as the camera goes down the stairs to the holding room.  "Here my viewers, is the the vileness that rivals the Silence of the Lambs!! 

The camera pans past the anchor and takes in the room through the glass windows of gant looking people walking stiffly around. Some of them bloody, and others with black and blue sunken eyes.  The camera zooms in on the sunken eyes, the skin tight arms and legs, then takes in the floor and zooms in on male genitalia just laying on the ground.  The people are at best wearing tattered clothing. Some of it stuck to them in blood, and others are purely naked with their skin so tight that individual bones can be seen. The people just randomly barely walk about the room.

"Doctors are on their way to take each of these people to the hospital to try to treat them as best as we can.  These people show signs of sexual abuse, malnourishment, and severe severe torture.  To my audience, this is so horrendous being here in person seeing this. What you see is nothing compared to the first hand views of theses poor poor people. 

The camera bounces again and someone comes running to the anchor with a sheet of parchment and hands it to the anchor.  My audience, I've just been handed what looks to be a journal or diary entry of some type. I'm being told that the good mad doctor journaled all of his crimes.  Evidently to brag about his accomplishments.  This is the first hand view of his last journal entry, the ink is still a little fresh.

The camera zooms in on the final entry:
"I, Dr. Dirk Fingler, now realize that society will not understand my findings.  After having to take in several officials against their will because they too were zombies. I have no choice but to file my final entry for someone to find when the apocalypse is already upon us.  To you, I write this entry in the hopes that I can give you hope.   First of all the stages of zombieism:
Stage 1.  Flaking of skin near the groin.
Stage 2. Increased metabolism and vitality, symptom most likely would be increasing weight loss.
Stage 3.  A lust for raw meat.  Not disruptive, but the craving is there.
Stage 4.  Increased strength, this happens slowly as the metabolism increases, but, the strength will definately be noticable.
Stage 5. Final stage, is complete degeneration of the groin, and massive elevations of anger and massive increases in vitality and strength.  However, by stage 5, your brain will have evolved to minimal thought and be completely instinctual.
I leave you my friends with ... They are pounding at my door.  I don't have time to ..853215. .......

May the human race sur.........an ink streak blotches across the page and several tears in the parchment indicate where the fountain pen pressed too hard.

The camera Pans back to the News anchor and the screen is paused...

"So Jake, after seeing it for the hundredth time, have any thoughts on what it means?"  A fat gruff, bearded man, completely disheveled in old tattered blood stained jeans and tattered t-shirt that said "Jakes Muffler Repair" on it, was standing holding a 12 guage shot gun with the end facing up.  A pistold holstered in his thick belt with a gold horse for a belt buckle. " The bearded Jake looked away from the tv and chewed on his toothpick some more.  Turned his attention to Brad... "Brad" In a degrading southern accent. "I don't fuckin know what it means yet, but, I think we should check out the guys house.  He was onto something, he has or knows of the cure.  I think what he mouthed at the camera was also important, I just need to watch it in slow motion some more, I'm no lip reader though Brad.  This Fuckin sucks. 

"Jake, I don't want nuno that swearin, anymoor, got it hon?"  A long brown haired hazel eyed thin beauty walks up to Jake and puts her arm around him.  She's dressed in a tattered t-shirt that shows her bra underneith and a pair of skin tight shorts that look like they weren't quite designed for her.  Jake just looked at her and gave her short peck on the cheak, she smiled up at him as she considered the mid day heat.  "Well, We're a long ways from Milton-Fingler Research Institute." Brad broke into the moment.  Brad was a tall slim fellow, dressed in western clothing.  A western vest and a western cowboy hat, steel towed boots, and jeans too big for him.  But they fit well enough with a belt.  Holstered on his hip were two revolvers, and across his back were two rifles criscrossed behind him.  Beside him rested a well warn backpack covered in dust and faded colors. 

Brad looked to the two before him.  "What yah thinkin?  Do we head out? "

Brad, Jake, and Trina all looked at each other.  No words needed to be said, they took each other's hands and walked out the door of the appartment where they had been reviewing the footage that had been on some type of replay..  They had stopped for supplies when they came across the video.  The fact the tv was on, was a warning, but, no one was there, just a couple bloated corpses pretty much decayed and devoured by nature.  The stench had been intolerable, but, the footage was worth it. It was their first big break since losing Fred.  The trio made their way out into the sun, they each contemplated the meaning of the video. The video that had shown to be years old and so they had no idea whether it offered any hope or not for saving what remained of the human race.  How much remained was just as unknown as the cure to the three that went out on foot in search of a vehicle with sufficient fuel to get them to their next stop....

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale - Ends, Yet, The Zombie War Now Begins....