WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Monday, December 12, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale; (6)

Journal Entry  2/14/2012

Time Entry Noted: 12:30pm.

My guts are turned inside out, oh, right, this is a scientific entry on zombification. So, well, I shouldn’t refer to my guts being inside out lest those of you reading this actually see my guts as being physically inside out.  Well, in this case this is metaphorical.  I continue to see one of my assistants, Sara.  She’s a few years younger than me, and well, today being what it is, I’ve been torn to try to be more to her than I am.  We’ve become good friends. But, a’las even at my age, the confusion of human relations is well, no wonder that zombification is as serious as it is.  Oh right, I should be focusing.  Due to having to keep up appearances day by day with Janet, my zombie research is becoming more and more limited. She wants nothing more than to phase me out of this research.

Why doesn’t she understand the seriousness of this?  Oh never mind, the truth is she’s also becoming a zombie.  If she isn’t then all of my research is for nothing. I have no doubt she’s becoming one.  Well, I’m adding a section to all of my entries.  It will detail a self-evaluation of my own zombification, in the hopes that my own conversion can be used to save others from this process.  

So I can stay focused despite sleep deprivation I will keep my focused self evaluations at the end of each entry so that those after me can know my own progression. 

Dirk takes the folder with him.  It’s been a few days since he fell asleep at his desk.  He wonders how he could have slept for almost a day straight, he tries to keep things straight in his head as he remembers that fateful valentines day.  He had tried to stem the zombification of himself starting that day forward.  Maybe it was selfish of me?  Dirk thought to himself.  He paced the office back and forth, looking out the window.  The clouds were bright, the sunlight coming in brilliantly.  He stared at the bruises on his arm.  He wasn’t sure how they got there, but, they’ve been coming more and more prevalent.  He considered the ramifications.  He wondered who will take me seriously. 

He did everything he could that year to prevent his own zombification.  Yeah it was based on hypothesis in his mind, but, he was convinced.   He paced some more remembering Sara.  Her beautiful long brunette hair, her beautiful brown eyes that could see into one’s very own soul, her skin was a bit pale, but it just added to her beauty Dirk thought to himself.  She was untarnished by time’s cruel scars.  She had an arrogant air about her, she was strong, confident, and unwilling to back down.  She was very forceful.  Dirk smiled to himself. It is too bad she was already far too gone.   He smiled again thinking of her beauty.  Finally, standing in the sunlight, he continues reading the journal entry to refresh his memory of that fateful day.

Well, I am anxiety ridden, about last night so, I might as well get to the point. Sara and I proceeded to have heated relations.  However, the scientist that I am had to verify her zombification.   I did it discreetly but, to my surprise, I discovered she was fairly well along in her zombification.  Much further than I thought!!  I started to back off, but her carnal rage kicked in.  She attempted to bite me.  A man’s got his pride, and she almost took mine.  I’ve never seen such carnal rage.  She attempted to pin me down as she continued to attempt to bite me.  She was able to get her nails into my shoulders and slide them down to my chest.  She then did the strangest thing and almost made me vomit.  She started licking the contents under her fingernails!!!  AAAAACK..  It was the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen.  I had no choice, but to fight back and in my daze I stumbled to a safety cabinet where I kept some tranquilizer injections.  O.k. O.k. I have a sleeping disorder.  I should say this is a zombie apocalypse!!!  I have some sleeping issues!!! I may have stolen a couple syringes of tranquilizers to help me sleep….  If you want to put me in jail for stolen controlled substances go ahead.  This is a fricken ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! I deserve to be able to sleep once in a while!!!

I pulled the safety off and slammed open the bathroom door.  She was about ready to bulrush the door head first.  Instead she bull rushed me and I reacted in a split second I slammed the needle into her back as she hit me square in the chest with the top of her head and bashed me into the bathroom wall.  Thankfully there was nothing too damaging on that wall.  She knocked me out for a bit.  I came to with her sleeping next to me.  She was so cute in that state.  However, I was feeling woozy. Her strength was amazing.  My first violent encounter with a zombie!!!!  WHAT A PRE VALENTINES GIFT!  I couldn’t have asked for anything better!! My first very own real violent zombie encounter!  I left a blood splatter on my bathroom wall.  The back of my head was a minor concussion. 

Dirk flipped the page over and thought to himself recalling the violent incident play by play in his mind.  He looked up where he walked to.  He had gone through the closet to the basement and found himself standing in front of the one way glass.  He could see Sara wondering around in her own pale thin malnourished way.  She was still a site for sore eyes to Dirk.  Her sunken eyes just stared at the ground as she stumbled around the empty room. She would run into random objects then turn and walk more and run into more objects or other people. Each time they would all just stumble backwards and try moving forward again.  Almost like fish in an aquarium.  They had no will power, no sign of life to them, yet they aimlessly stumbled around.  Dirk put his hand to the glass as he watched Sara stumble around.  Eventually he would have to lock himself in the room and then he could be with her forever he thought to himself.   Dirk skipped through the rest of the entry and reviewed the self-evaluation as he stumbled up the steps.  He had found the first entry of his first formal self-evaluation. 

Self Evaluation:
I have performed full physical blood tests, skin tests, and visual reviews of my body.  First the visual reviews indicate that my pride is continuing to degenerate.  Skin is becoming brittle, flakey, and become more and more scale-like around my groin.  In short, the skin looks like that of a 90 year old man.  The disfigurement continues to spread.  Blood tests show healthy statistics for all of my vitals.  Strangely though, I have heightened testosterone.  I’m going to monitor this, as I wonder if this is what leads to the increased strength and rage of more advanced cases.  I will test advanced cases for these signs in the future.

I got confirmation that next week I go to the department of corrections to perform “routine” medical review tests of inmates.  I am very excited to do this. I may be able to get a better idea of how prevalent zombification is. 

--- Dirk, PHD

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