WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale; (8)

Journal entry: 6/5/2013
Time of Entry Noted  as 3:05AM

I, Dr. Dirk Fingler, am writing this entry while monitoring the zombies from the outer window of the basement room.  I noticed unique changes in behaviors.  They have begun beating on each other. They are all showing signs of bruises and welts. I would chalk it up to disease or malnutrition, however, I have seen them physically getting into brawls.  The noise has been at times quite disturbing.  They've also begun salivating almost like they are rabid. So far, there's no signs of anything further than violence.
I suppose the violence should be enough given that this may invalidate my horde mentality findings.  Upon discovery of the pheremones though, I'm not sure what is motivating them to attack each other. In some of the cases they are attacking themselves.  Heh, I have to laugh. It's quite amuzing watching them attack themselves.  Quite uncoordinated yet, full force is used.  Given their increased muscle density and the youthfulness of their muscles they have the strength of 2 to 3 average humans combined.

This would be the ideal fighting group.  I've not been able to get into the room to clean the place up.. Although, since they don't ingest anything they do not excrete anything. This has saved me the hassle of cleaning the cage if you will, but, despite that, there's some disturbing things. Male genitalia have literally just openly fallen off and are laying around the room. They appear to have healed up and survived what loss of blood there may have been. But, they go on mindlessly ignorant of what they've lost.

I can only assume something similar with the females.  Day to day they continue to degenerate.  I fear leaving the office at night.  Knowing that people in this state of being are out there. On the roads, the streets, possibly around any corner.  Though, I continue to progress with my own issues. I have not reached this state yet.   Though I have open bleeding and sores in the nether regions as the skin simply looks so old, so dehydrated that it's basically just falling away. 

I don't believe anymore that the zombie apocalypse is avoidable. It's upon us.  I monitor the news daily, and more and more signs of  violence are occuring.  There's been a huge crackdown of law enforcement. I fear I am not immune. More and more staff just don't show up for work or call in sick.   The world is falling a part, and I'm losing a hold of myself in the process.  For some reason "The Center cannot hold."  floats through my mind.  It is as though the universe is caving in on itself, and I'm at a loss of what to do.   I trust that when I am finally able to send this off.   Someone can do something.  

I have had to lock up three of my own staff working on projects in the basement with the others due to their sudden turn to murderous violence.  I lost one staff in a brawl, and another was incapacitated and is currently in the hospital in a coma due to a single punch to the head.

I've been forced to build up my self defense arsenal.  I've purchased tazers and placed them around my office and my house.   I even have a couple in the car.  I don't want to kill, but, I've also decided to purchase an unmarked 9mm semi-automatic pistol, which I now keep taped under my desk. 

My testing continues and aside from the breakthroughs I've mentioned in the last few week's of updates, I haven't made any additional breakthroughs.  I continue to try different viruses and bacterias, on the zombie genetic codes.  I Today and tonight I tried Fingler concoction Z132 - Z145.  And still no progress.  No results.  The zombie genes continue to thrive despite cellular decay. In fact, the blood cells with the zombie genetic codes, remain completely healthy and go so far as to attack the viruses and bacteria head on.  Within 12 hours, the virus and bacteria strains I've introduced continue to be irradicated.  I am left to assume, these genes can not be modified. 

I have an Off The wall theory to try to simulate what I believe is the cure.  Given no progress for the last few months with the 150 infected cells I've tried -- Everything from Cancer, to aids, to the common cold and flue with no effect.  I have to try something new and out of the ordinary.

The Present: 12/1/2014
Dirk set the page down.  He had rifled through dozens and dozens of pages. He was exhausted, but, he needed to makes sure that the key points of his research was there.  Which meant manually reviewing everything.  He knew he would have to soon lock himself in the room. There had been more run ins with the law and other authorities. A majority of them ended up in his room.  He had been working the last two weeks trying to understand and plot where things went drastically wrong. Where was the turning point?

He felt he had come close to finding the turning point, he ruffled through a bunch more pages and found the next Entry.  It was the one he had been searching for.   He closed his eyes and mentally recalled it almost word for word. All he needed was one more look at it to know what it said. It was the confirmation, it was the final turning point of his research.  He wished it wouldn't have taken another year to put it all togeter to be submitted for formal review.  He knew his time was short. 

The more time that went by the more he realized that there was no stopping it.  He was afraid having his journals all in one place would lead them to being destroyed at once in an accidental fire or some other accident.  Given that signs of society crumbling was becoming more and more evident day to day.

He had purchased several fire proof and bullet proof safes. He locked them securely with big solid padlocks.  Some with keys some with combinations,  The combinations he hid in his desk in his office and kept the safes at home, and the keys he kept at home and one in his car for the other safe.  He made copies of all his research at this point and kept them all safely locked away. 

Dirk had grabbed his fountain pen again and continued writing.   It was the final piece of his journal.  He knew the cure, he knew what was coming, and knew he had to be quick. He continued writing the journal entry that summed up his three years of research.   The tears came more and more frequently to his eyes. Some of them mixed with blood landed on the parchment he was writing on.  He had done everything he could, now he had to accept his fate.  He picked up the last journal entry he would read one last time.  It was the turning point.  Though there was so much more to his research, Dirk understood now, and didn't need to read anymore.

He wept as he formed that journal entry in his mind, he put the pen down before finishing the entry he was working on to remember everything he had done.

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