WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale; (7)

March 10, 2012

Dr. Dirk Fingler signing at 2:15 pm.  My notes have gotten more sporatic.  I should be journaling my findings more, but the evidence is mounting and piling up, and I have no choice but to reduce my journal entries to monthly entries and at that, I have to spend my time running a research lab for cancer as Janet piles more and more of her duties on me, even though I'm the one in charge and I have continue my full pace zombie research. I will be making key notes from this point forward. 

The zombies are piling up.  The news is full of zombie violence, yet society is not ready to accept the reality of zombieism.  I need to submit my findings to the authorities.  I need to have more evidence though. I need to be thorough and take my time and make sure I do this right.

Present:  11/15/2014
Dirk skimmed his notes and stopped at the point of where he wrote "being thorough". He laughed to himself, was I too thorough?  Was I too cautious.  The thoughts came at him left and right, he didn't have time to react. Instead, tears burst forth from his eyes.  They flooded his face as they matted down his white beard.  He finally fell to the floor on his knees.  "God, why does no one listen."  It had been a week since he had sent some of the journals and evidence to numeronus agencies.  He hadn't received a phone call, a letter, not a thing.  "Was I too late?" He pleaded into his hands.  A soft rap at the door brought him out of his misery.  He grabbed onto his desk to help himself up off the floor.  He wiped his red eyes with the sleeve of his lab coat and went to the door. 

"Hello Dr. Fingler I presume?" 
"The one and only."  His heart Raced as before him stood a tall, thin, mid 40s, female in a Navy Blue Suit with a name tag that said S. Hawkins.   Her long brown hair was let down and free flowing.  It looked shiny and soft.   Dirk's heart raced faster as he appraised her.
"Dr. Fingler, I am pleased to meat you, I am Susan Hawkins from the Centers for Disease control.  I am here to investigate the letters and evidence you have sent to my office."
Dirk put himself back together and responded "Please, Please Susan, May I call you Susan?" She nodded as he continued uninterrupted "Please come in Susan, have a seat at my desk."
Susan made her way in to his office and sat down gracefully in his guest chair.
"I would like to ask you a few questions about your research."
"Please anything that would help us to stem this tide."
"So you dissected corpses?"
"Yes, I had the coroner assist me with providing me fresh corpses and other human remains that were waiting for burial."
"These so called dissections, were they authorized?"
"Well, You see, umm, what do you mean by authorized?" Dirk's voice cracked a little as he tried to answer as confidently as he could.
"By authorized I mean were these sanctioned by a law enforcement agency, medical facility, any documentation for the autopsies and dissections?"
"Well, No, my research required it though. I'd be years behind in this research if I didn't."
Susand looked about the room and back at Dirk. After making some notes on a note pad she had brought with her.  She looked out the window and shifted her weight on the uncomfortable office chair.
"Dr. Fingler.  Is it true that in your notes, You have living zombie specimens we can review as proof of your research."
Dirks face seemed to gain some color to it and his forhead beaded up some. 
"Yes." His answer was quick terse with Susan.
"Are these living specimens cared for and kept in a safe living condition with around the clock caretakers?"
Dirk looked at her square in the eyes and said: "Susan, did you not read my research notes, these are malicious, barbaric zombies.  They are on the verge of canibalism.  It's just a matter of time before our society falls into barbaristic anarchy."
"Dr. Fingler, I don't dispute your facts, you have clearly proven your points.  I just want to make sure the lab specimens are well cared for.  I see here you have submitted a cure for this zombieism, it is  quite unique. "
Dirk had been eyeing her up and down for some time and she had seemingly been itching and scratching a good portion of the time.  Dirk got up from his seat and walked over to the window to look out.
"I have submitted a cure, yes, yet, even you, have not headed my warnings.  I am so sorry MISS Susan Hawkins.  It is too bad. "

Dirk faced the window, and reached over to the corner of the office where he had a little two drawer file cabinet just sitting under the window ledge. He pulled open a drawer as he talked to Susan.
"There is additional evidence I held back, as it is more controversial, but, I'll provide you the file so you can see for yourself how serious these issues are."
He pulled something out of the drawer along with a manilla envelope, he walked back to his desk and handed her the envelope and as he did so, he had pulled out a tazer and tazed her on the shoulder, her arm went down, but she turned with her other arm and began to punch him. She hit him perfectly in his Left Kidney with her right arm. Given the position, she wasn't able to hit him full force.  However, with her additional zombie strength Dirk was bent over clutching his side. 

"Dirk, Dirk, Dirk, You shouldn't have done that.   You will regret your actions." She then got up out of her chair and proceeded to kick him, before she could get her knee up, he let go of his gut and ran straight at her arms open holding the tazer. As soon as they colided she started trying to bite him. He held the tazer to her neck and held it on her neck full force, her jaws had just started to close around his own shoulder when her mouth closed and her eyes rolled up in her head.  He held the tazer to her forhead for another minute before finally deciding she was unconscious.  She was a more violent one, he wasn't sure he could trust her in with the others, at the same time. His research had revealed a horde mentality.  That once in a group of their own kind, they mellowed out and weren't agressive anymore.  He hadn't been able to identify the exact hormone or genes that caused the hordeing mentality.  He quickly locked his office door and grabbed her hands. He had also learned that as the zombie strength kicked in, the muscles seemed to loosen their hold to bones.  The ligaments could easily tear.  Probably from the accelerated aging process. The muscles got younger, but the ligaments and bones got older faster.  Hmm.  Dirk thought to himself, he remembered something and needed to finish reading the journal he had found.  He grabbed her above the elbows and began to drag her to the closet.  He hit the security and dragged her limp body down the stairs. He hoped she didn't wake up or she could have the consciousness to try to free the others.  He got her down the stairs without her coming to. 

He hit the button to the double door entry.  Got her in the very tight quarters propped up against the inside door.  He then let himself out, made sure both doors were sealed then released the inside door to the glassed in room.  He didn't know how long it would take for her to come to, but she was safe in her new home now.  He watched for a few minutes then made sure all the locks were sealed and the inside door was left open for her to get into the room.  Dirk went back up to his office and sealed off the secret room.  He picked up the folder he had been holding and continued to read from it.  He skipped to the section on the prison innmates. 

Journal continued:
I have noticed groupings of innmates that will not deviate from each other.  They follow each other and seem inseparable except when guided back to their cells. I interviewed a number of these innmates many of them were very low functioning, nonresponsive, and the few that answered were bitter and angry, to the point of violence.  Several tried to bash my head in with their heads.  Thankfully they were fully restrained and couldn't reach me.  I had them chained up as I performed a medical evaluation.  I noticed the same symtpoms that I noticed on the corpses, on Sara, and others.  Their groins showed signs of rapid aging.  Several of the noneresponsive ones I would equate to someone in their 80s and 90s.  Other more agressive ones showed signs of being in their 60s and 70s.  However, the more aged they appeared in their nether regions the more strength they appeared to have.  Strength and dexterity tests showed them functioning at that of a 20 year old. Many of them able to bench well over 250 - 300 pounds without thinking.  My only conclusion from this experience with the innmates is something is causing them to age rapidly in part and that same thing is causing them to become younger and younger.  This may explain why many of the cadevers I experimented on had indiscernable ages associated with them.  There is the possibility that they could live a very long time if they're organs and muscles continue to actually improve and get younger and younger.

I'm curious though why much of these beings get younger and younger, while their groins and sexuality continue to get older and older. And even their skin in general gets older and older much faster than usual.  This leads to a very confused state of being.  They've become almost immortal, yet look to be way too old and decrepid.  It's definately a strong defense mechanism if nothing else.

Self Evaluation:
I too, continue to age, my skin is becoming flaky almost like it's too dry.  Yet, day by day, I almost feel like I have more energy, more metabolism. I've noticed my body fat percentage continuing to drop.  I feel I may be starting to experience the effects of being forever young.  It is tempting to let this continue the best I can.  However, I also suspect I know the cure.  I am performing a variety of blood tests on the innmates as well to compare the violent to the non violent ones. I hope to have those results soon too.  I'll document those next.

Oddly at the bottom of the page their is a blood stain next to Dirk's scribbled signature.  He thinks hard to himself, but can't remember why that blood stain formed there or how it did.  He stares at the paper a while and finally puts it down thinking to himself what had just happened and what to do about the epidemic that he knew he was helpless to stop.

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