WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale Journal Entry (3)

Journal Entry 11/23/2011

Noting the time as 11:32 AM.

I Dirk Fingler, have concluded 25 interviews with people in variety stages of life, varying in age from 20 to 75.  Several had symptoms of becoming a zombie.  Not in the traditional zombie sense, however, they let on that they had cracks in their skin, cravings for bloody meat that they never used to have, and tended to bleed and get cut / bruises pretty easily.

One in particular in his mid 40s demonstrated cracking skin in a variety of places.  It was odd though that the rotting dieing cracking skin was generally around the groin and sexual areas of both males and females.

Of the 25 interviewed, 7 showed varying stages of symptoms of zombification.  Some were middle aged, some were younger, most were middle aged and older.

Some of them were married in unhappy marriages, some were single, some were happy in their marriage.  I have to conclude that status has nothing to do with zombification.  I am going to pursue monitoring news for signs of more advanced stages of zombification. I suspect that the further a long zombies will be found stuck within the legal system.  I suppose I should conclude this entry with some indication some mention of why I think these symptoms lead me to trying out the hypothesis of zombies.

Traditionally zombie as stated in my first entry is a term for a human reverting to some ‘caveman’ state of being. I suspect this may be happening on a grand scale, because of some preliminary research.  My preliminary research is included with this case.  I have noted increased cases of violent, uncontrollable, behavior in humans, a trend in the last two decades the shows an increasing case of decreasing population numbers. Even accounting for natural disasters, the occasional fabricated war, and human disease, the truth is natural population levels are decreasing with no explanation.

Overall population happiness is indicative of a widespread attitude quite possibly rivaling that of the Dark Ages.

Dirk grabs his beard with one withered wrinkly hand as he traces the page with the other.  The lightning flashes outside, the thunder is off in the distance barely audible.  He looks out the window and stares at the rain drops as they fall.  The thoughts of all his research race through his mind as he stares with a blank expression out the window. His wrinkled and aged face has a permanent frown imprinted on it.

His mouth opens and his voice crackles in the silence.  “I, I don’t know what to do.  Dirk, you’ve done all you can.  No. No. No!! You know that’s a lie Dirk.”  He spirals off into an argument with himself.  “You could have done so much more. No you couldn’t have.  Stop beating yourself up!!!  This is the life you’ve lived.  NO, I mean I could have done something more to stop this apocalypse.  You couldn’t save yourself, how do you think you’d manage to save a civilization on the brink of destruction? “
Dirk’s argument spiraled off for another hour.  He walked back to his desk and sat down on the very uncomfortable office chair.  He turned the pages, flipping through more research notes and coming across another journal entry that he found intriguing.

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