WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Sunday, December 18, 2011

quick update

Dam!!! I didn't get where I wanted to get this weekend. I wanted to have the zombie diaries done in their entireity since I have lots of new ideas for my novel. ANd well I don't work on two things at the same time, unless you want characters to get crossed between stories. Could make for interestingly confusing reading but not much else.  Instead, I had a lot of fun with friends.    Which is o.k. gives fuel to the writing of poetic prose and/or finishing stories when I do have time for them.  Today i was too tired.

So, here's to hopefully finishing them week between Christmas and New years after I get the first couple sessions of my class prepped that I start teaching January 9th.

I hope to get some other stuff out between now and then. I may dig up some historical stuff that I like, just so I have more than hard copies of it.  If not, I'll maybe be inspired enough to simply write new stuff. I guess time will tell.  Here's to new friends, good times, and My God has 2011 been THEE MOST AMAZING year of my life. 

I wanted to put together a collage of my life for 2011, digital or otherwise, but, I realized early on that would be too difficult with all the time constraints I have, I had to let it go....  What I might do is simply write a piece in dedication to 2011 closer to the end of the year.

A quick brief synopsis.  This year started out with the death of my 100 year old Grandmother in February 2011.  I can't and won't say much because it's not important anymore, but as a result of the funeral, I was forced to face the past one last time.   The funeral served two purposes.  One to celebrate the life of my very awesome Grandmother.  She was the best grandmother there ever was.  She loved my sister and I dearly.  I was able to lay to rest for once and all the past tied to extended family members.  That is what started 2011 for me. 

2011 is dubbed the year of Change!  Then, I discovered thanks to an awesome friend, and thanks to my grandmother and getting me thinking about my life, that I deserve more in life.  I finally had the courage to do what I could not but needed to for the last 4-5 years. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but there was nothing left and so the next HUGE change for me was 2 months after my grandmother's death when I committed to the discontinuation of my marriage.

From there, my life has changed. Remarkably, day to day, month to month.  It's like my soul was ressurrected, and came to life.  My life continues to change day by day, from continuing to get to know great and awesome new friends to maintaining old friendships and so much more.

The people in my life have humbled me beyond measure.  God has humbled me beyond belief. Never once in my life would I have ever believed this many people would care about me.  There's a reason for everything whether we know it or not.  And I've been changed forever this year.

I will post more details on this, as it's crucial I not forget how much my life has changed.  I'll post a timeline and then write a dedication to 2011 commemorating and celebrating all the people that have impacted my life forever.

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