WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Observing Humanity

As a fledgling author, I reserve the right to let my words speak for themselves.  I'm just going to write this.  Well, I will say a couple words.. I guess I can't not say something.  All my human understanding and insight, intellect, intuition, and all that I am well, there's just somethings I will never understand.

Observing Humanity
by Graywolf 12/14/2011

Like ants you travel to and fro.
Not having a clue what you do.
Playing in the sand,
sunning in the ocean,
working your lives away.
You make love,
sometimes you just fuck.

This wolf wonders the land
wonders where I stand.
Staring off at the moon.
Watching the clouds pass by.
In that night, in the dim light.
This wolf wonders,
is there a such thing anymore.
Or is it lost?
Does it even exist?

The wolf wonders the forests
crosses the desserts.
and each night.
It sits down.
it's shoulders tightened in a confident raising of it's neck and head.
And each night,
right there,
it raises it's voice in a chilling howl
to the moons light.
The moon is the wolf's friend.
it lights his way wherever he is.

And on some nights it can be seen smiling.
Others it's frowning.
The wolf wonders day by day observing.
The humans from afar.
What is it they do? 
Is love lost on them?
or is it just a past time?
Just give another line?

The wolf shakes his head?
Wondering where he's being led.
Observe is all he can do.
Wondering through life
The wolf observes.
Wondering if there's any love that is true.
the more he observes the more he's glad he's wolf.
Independant, and free of humanity.

The more he sees,
the more he observes,
the more understanding is lost on him.

It seems love is lost.
and all that is left is lust.
If there is nothing more.
then what is there?

The wolf, wonders, tail wagging
walking off into the sunset.
Free of the observations of humanity.

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