WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale: Journal Entry 11/6/2011; 2

First Journal Entry 11/6/2011

I am noting the time of entry as 5:29pm.  I am under the hypothesis that the epidemic of zombification is near at hand within the human civilization.  The term zombie instills a sense of barbaric human nature such as eating human brains and cannibalism at its best.   Ha ha haaha.. Some would deem me a “mad scientist”.  I have a laugh as that of a mad scientist, but, I just find humor in my own words.  If that makes me mad, so be it.  I am a scientist. I enter these words in the hopes that some reader takes my writings seriously even if I don’t take them seriously.  I think I am mad for making this hypothesis and I have had many arguments with myself over this. 

I think some of my staff may have seen me pacing back and forth arguing out loud with myself inside my office.  They wanted to ask me a question and then walked off. Heheee.. Well, if that’s what it takes for them to make their own decisions and leave me alone, I may have to have these discussions with myself in front of them. HA!!  O.k. So, I am a bit socially inept and awkward.  My last girlfriend left me when I was reminded of something I had missed in my last experiment during a beautiful candlelit dinner.  I insisted I must get this idea down before I forget. I forget a great many things.  And this idea was crucial, I got up in the midst of my epiphany and yelled “By Golly I’ve got it!” and then stormed out of the restaurant.  Heh… If that had been the first time I’ve left her at the restaurant without a ride or any consideration of her, it might have been odd for her to dump me. But, a’las that had been the fourth time. She should have been a keeper. She was left behind four times, then left me.

Oh well, it was that epiphany that has led me to this journal entry.  So where was I? Vampirism?  No… That doesn’t seem right. (Ink Splotch) Um, Werewolves, nope fairy tale… Hmm.  What is it?  Oh yeah!! ZOMBIEISM!!! 

So, I surmise that there are zombies already among humans. I must perform some more tests. To do this I need to interview a variety of people hopefully in different stages of zombieism.  I’m not sure how I’ll tell this for the true zombies of the world are among us appearing as normal people.  I have many reasons I believe they are among us…….. 

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