WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

This is just a quick post to say Merry Christmas to one and all. Faith is an important part of my life that has gotten me to the point I'm at today.  However, I will say I'm extremely open minded, and many pastors / preachers, would probably say I'm blasphemous.  Especially, when I finish my novel, if I ever get it published, there will be many pastors that would probably think I'm an evil blasphemous writer.

I'm o.k. with that.  My views of theology and good vs. evil are far different than what our manmade religions make them out to be.

Anyways, that's a discussion for another day. I just want to really express my sincere gratitude and thanks for the people in my life. I learned some things about myself this weekend and I learned the importance of people in one's life.  I never take anything for granted and I'm always trying to learn to better myself.  I feel I learned and am coming back to my home, with a fresh view on my life and renewed thankfulness for the people in my life.

Some of my friends have put up with me more than they should have to.   To them,  a sincere thank you for helping me realize what's important.  I know who I can turn to and I haven't been the easiest person to get along with amidst the holidays.   Thanks to a few very smart and compassionate people, I was able to learn about myself and just really take on a new appreciation for what's important in life.

I'm not perfect and well don't seek to be perfect. I've got flaws, weaknesses, and the part I was missing out on was the number of strengths and value I contribute to other's lives. Sometimes we're our own worst critics.  And sometimes I think creative / Artistic people, are cursed with the worst of curses in that they are even more critical of themselves than most non-creative people.   Yet, without that drive, we wouldn't seek to create the great intellectual works we accomplish.  We wouldn't continuously try to do better than our previous selves.

I've spent this year learning how to love life and embrace it for all the good it is.  Life is my mate, my partner, and although it is only a concept, it is important that we love life so that we have what it takes to live life to its fullest and to build others' lives up in the process.

Thank you to my wonderful friends that give me their support when I need it most.  I would have been so lost without you this year.  I hope God continues to bless me in 2012 with his love, mercy, and grace as I go forward renewed in what I've learned to appreciate about life!

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