WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Zombie Diaries: A Zombification Tale! Journal Entry; (4)


Noting the time as 12:32 PM.

Dirk here again, yes, it’s o.k. to just call me Dirk.  Mr. Fingler is so formal, I dislike it. So, Please call me Dirk.  I have been requested to stop my research and work on research for the local university that would help trace various DNA and genes to the occurrences of more imminent diseases such as cancer.  They’ve presented me with a grant for specific cancer research.  I refuse to terminate my zombie research for something so silly as cancer research.  I mean seriously??  Zombies or Cancer?  Who are they kidding.  I suspect they are trying to cover up my discovery of the impending zombie apocalypse.  I will not terminate this research, however, I will need a lab and funding to have the option.  So, I am allocating my staff 100% to the cancer research to put on a good show and I will continue the Zombie research on my own. 

From this point forward I am forced to indicate that my research is no longer zombie related.   HA!!  I laugh in their general direction. 

Hrmph.  Dirk laughs out loud at his own statement then tests forming a Brittish accent and speaks into the empty room:  “I laugh in your general direction! HA!” It was a bad Brittish accent imitation, but, it brought a brief smile to his face. He continues reading his entry in silence.

Now to more important matters, I proceeded to dissect a recently deceased in an effort to verify the extent of zombification. Please note that I performed this on my own without witness.  Due to the staff being allocated elsewhere I am documenting my own biased findings. 

Splotches of red dot the paper all over the words. 

I have dissected the human corpse and analyzed the human tissue.  I verified a number of organs and tissues of this corpse. I will need to perform additional dissections. However, so far my findings continue to mount.  The findings in this dissection are similar to the others I’ve performed.  A majority of the organs show signs of being healthy. Heart, Kidney, liver.  All seem relatively normal for an embalmed corpse.  However,  the same patterns continue showing up. The stomachs appear to be brittle and show signs of damage.  Also, of note is that the sexual organs of both genders seems to show much bigger signs of decay than the rest of the corpse.  The sexual organs appear to age the fastest.  I’m unsure of what tie this has to zombification. However, I have little doubt that sexuality ties into this somehow.

I have returned the corpse to the mortuary that I got it from.  They are beginning to question my constant need to get corpses from them.  I will continue to conduct interviews and dissections.  Unfortunately without any staff my research may be delayed.  

Dirk puts the paper down and thinks to himself.  He gets up out of his chair and proceeds to open a normal closet door.  Behind it is a barred heavy steel door.  He presses some numbers into a digital key pad on the side.  The door automaticly opens and it opens to a stair case.  He goes through, punches a keypad on the opposite side.  The doors close.   He presses another button the key pad and the lights come on.   He goes down the stairs and he can hear noises and moaning through another barred steel door.  He presses buttons on another keypad and that door opens.  Behind this door is a small room with another door. He presses another button to close that door and he’s now sealed.  He presses a button and the wall in front of him becomes transparent.  Inside the room is a stack of a dozen cut up corpses, and a bunch of people milling about.

Many of them barely clothed, skin hanging from them as though they’ve aged well beyond 100 years.  Their arms are bent at weird angles, their eyes are empty of any life.  Their legs barely hold their weight. None of them have any fat, they are skin and bones.  These are the accelerated stages.  Dirk thought to himself. Soon, he, himself would be no better than these.  It was avoidable he thought to himself.  It was preventable.  The people aren’t brain eaters, nor are they cannibals.  Dirk let a tear hit the floor.  The reason, the shame, was too hard for him to bear for what had happened to these.  This could have been prevented he thought to himself.

He hit a variety of buttons and made his way back up the stairs.  It was a scene he could not bear to look at or acknowledge any longer.  The lightning continued to flash outside the windows and light up the room.  He sealed up the doors as he exited the strange looking closet and fell back into his very uncomfortable chair.

He leafed through yet, more sheets.  It was all he could do not to break into tears.  What had he done he thought to himself.

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