WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

After Thoughts- On the "Zombie Diaries"

Well, I just finished the conclusion to the "Zombie Diaries: A zombification tale" .  I am pleased with how it turned out and I was able to get everything into it I wanted to.  I left sufficient journal entries out to build on in the future if I so choose, and I concluded it with a conclusion I like so the reader can form their own conclusions as to what really happened.

It may be a short Novella.  What I mean by that is it may be too large to be a short story  and too long to be a novel.  My PC is down at the moment, don't worry, I know I haven't lost anything.  I know what I need to do to get it operational again.  Once it's operational, maybe tomorrow hopefully, I plan on pulling off the story and merging the new entries with where I left off in the Word doc. Once it's fully combined. I'll repost the entire story in it's entireity as one fairly long post for readers to see how it all comes together.

I did merge in some of my frustrations with our own human society.  As a relatively new single guy welcomed into singledom over 6-7 months ago, I really have to say I'm disappointed in our society. And a  bit frustrated with it. I'm not saying it's bad. I know why it is the way it is. There is some logic to our state of being.  However, heheeh.. The long term consequences of our society remaining in this fear of actually being close to someone, is emotional zombification.  Or near to it.  Regardless of what the readers think. I love the story, and the theme. It comes across well I hope, and I'm amused at my own creativity even if no one else is. :)

My posts of short stories may be limited now. As, my next task...  Is teaching and finishing my novel. Both are time consuming considering that with the influx of new ideas for my novel, I have probably again as much as I've already written to write.  I have around 280 pages written and easily have another 200-300 pages of story to write.  Especially as I realize that I'm getting more and more descriptive in my writing. In the past, my descriptiveness was limited to a few sentences, where now, I'm describing things that take pages to describe.  It's something I've learned from good novel writers. Not being anal about the descriptiveness, but, describing scenes to make them more realistic, to paint the picture as I view it and make everything more real in living color rather than just saying a few words about something. Usually I limit it to important qualities, but you have to throw in some unimportant qualities to make keep readers off guard.

Well, anyways, I'll post when I have the full story ready to post as a single story.... I hope you all enjoyed the Zombie Diaries.  There's definately a lot more to come with where I left it off at. 

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