WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Clarification of Yesterday's Post

Well, I guess I need to clarify a few things before people think I'm insane.  It may be self proclaimed, but I'm not insane..  HA! ;)  

I understand my writing takes on a strange, sometimes twisted flare.  My writing is not a reflection of who I am.  It is not a reflection of anything within my state of being.  It is a reflection of my imagination, my observations.

I suppose I should clarify my last writing also. I wrote that, because I learned something about someone I care about. That I knew was self destructive to them. I know that I am and was helpless to save them or help them.  Sometimes my passion for life leads me to being an awesome friend, that I care too much about people.  I wrote that because I was angry that I could not help them. That I couldn't save them.  I've learned in life, that each person must make choices, and their choices and actions reflect on the type of person they and I learned that sometimes there's just some people you can't help.  No matter how much you may want to  help them. No matter how much you want to save them.

I was angry with myself that there was nothing I could do. I was a little angry at them for the choices they made.  Not that I judge anyone.  Everyone makes mistakes in life.  I just was sad because I knew deep down the choices they made were not healthy, but it's not my place to stop anyone. 

I apologize if it came off as me being melo dramatic.  I'm not into that, I don't want anything from anyone especially pity or any of that crap.  That was simply representative of me knowing when I must walk away from the problems people create for themselves. 

I hope my awesome friends out there understand.   Sometimes, my friends, ignorance is bliss.  Had I remained ignorant, well, I guess I probably would have been hurt as well. So, I guess, it's just as well, I didn't remain ignorant. I'm sorry this is ambiguous. I respect peoples choices, I just have to walk away from their destructive choices.

I hope this helps clarify a few things. 

1 comment:

  1. Apologies and clarification not needed for creative writing. Either you get it our you don't, just as with other forms of art such as painting. There have been plenty of paintings I have looked at and walked away confused or unimpressed with the display of art. Rarely has it changed my opinion of the artist.
    Keep writing! I enjoy reading it. You know you can always count on me for an honest opinion, I'll tell you if you start to sound insane! ;-)
