WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm not sure where to start, but, this wolf's world is changing in many great ways!   Last night was one of the best nights of my life.  For the readers out there take that how you wish.  No, there was no passionate lovemakings, nothing like that.   Before I write myself further into a corner, I will say that that is not required to have one of the best nights of one's life!  I feel connections with others, good times, revelry, and being able to momentarily live in the moment and put aside the stresses of tomorrow, next week, next year, and to forget about the past and just live.  These are what make a night awesome. 

Also is what inspires me to write today in a very sleep deprived state.  It took one person to make last night special, and so, I thank the special person that made an awesome evening phenominal!  Thank you!

The Dance
by Graywolf 12/11/2011

It's late,
the night is young,
the silver ball is in the air.
The crowd is seeking an unknown connection.
The music reverberates
Through the heart
bringing life.
Don't stop
don't stop
Lest the people fall over dead.
Like puppets on a string
They dance up and down
According to the rotating silver ball.
Some slip and fall.
Yet all the life continues on.
Then in a single moment
The music slows.
We go hand in hand.
And there we stare
Controlled by the music.
Life is the connection we share.
Was it in that moment,
my soul was laid bare?
I don't know where life goes from here.
It doesn't matter,
because in that moment, I was completely there.
As the crowd disappeared
And there was nothing to fear
This wolf could just be,
there was only one to see,
In the moment he was free,
That moment was the key.
The key to living life.
Despite all the strife.
That single moment
was the summary.
What became the epidemy of revelry!
Swaying together,
The music mesmerizing,
Hipnotic trance
as we continue to dance.
Up and down, right and left.
swaying together
Arms around the other.
What more is there.
In that moment.
We could just be.
Don't stop
Don't stop.
Lest the puppets caese.

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