WhiteWolf Within

WhiteWolf Within
Based on Whitewolf Within

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Well, I wanted to say something more meaning for once.  Most of us have heard the expression that a picture / painting is worth a thousand words.  Well, I just wanted to point out, that no matter my skill level.  Trust me, I'm not the judge of my skill level, you the reader are!! HA!  But, no matter the skill level, I am a painter.  I couldn't paint a stick figure if my life depended on it.  However, I have pictures, and images in my head that my words work to form.  I am blessed with the ability to create paintings with words. 

As with any painting, each person's interpretation of the sum of the words is up to them.  I've read published poetry from Robert Frost to Edgar Allen Poe, and what are the chances that I'm interpretting what they wrote in the emotional frame of reference in which they wrote it? In some cases maybe I'm right on, in others, because of my experiences and life story, I may or may not be anywhere close to the original intention.  How can anyone but the author know the true original state of mind of the piece? 

Does that take away the meaning it has for each of us if we cannot know the author's original intent?  I don't think so.   Also, I might add.  Most of what I write... Heh. I, being the author and all, well, don't always know my own original intent.  LOL. I suspect I'm no different than authors of history. 

So, given that, I creatively paint a picture with words, interpret that image how you want.  I am just flattered you took the time to read this blog at all!! So, whether or not you find meaning?  Well, that's a personal experience for you the reader. 

The Journey
by Graywolf 12/27/2011

Locked within an invisible bubble,
Floating away into the sky.
I'm not sure, how, but now I fly.
Floating beyond the clouds.
Way past the beautiful sky.
And past the moon and the sun.
This seems like fun!
I come across a glittering asteroid.
A fools errand.
I float into it's chasms.
I spend an eternity searching.
I come upon a sign
"D e s p a i r"
Neglecting myself in need of repair.
I spend too long floating with this asteroid.
Instead, I've seen all I need from this place.
I gather up the sign and leave and float off into the sands of space.
Wondering where I'll go, where's my place?
Other bubbles pass by, I pass others by.
All are out in search of the universe.
Seeking new places to be.
Observing the planets, the stars, the moons, the skies.
Slowing and descending to check out an interesting place.
A swarm of sentient flying beings,
or a planet of draconic lizards.
Watch out, a space slug idly floats on by.
Moving to and fro I come to a space island.
A land rich in greenery.
It looks so peaceful.
A rushing waterfall off the side of the bubble.
It captured it's own land.
It's own place to call home.
The person within, lies next to the river
within their bubble smiling happily as they float through the universe.
The water sprays down the bottom of the bubble out into space. 
Freezing as it crashes into space into billions of droplets.
The person in the island is unaware of the universe they travel.
They have no need of anything more to know.
They simply take in the waterfall.
And let everything else go.
Upon their land I see a sign.
I float closer to see for myself.
It's says "H o p e"
The sign is little and stands in the river.
Splashed constantly.
I give in to my curiousity.
I follow this bubble.
Through the rest of the universe I go.
Spending multiple eternities following the bubble.
There's so much more I wish to know.
As I travel and follow I accumulate numerous unclaimed signs.
None of them spell out what the sign before me shows.
My land is covered.
Others come across my bubble and wave at me.
They smile and nod and fly on by.
As though they fully understand.
I stand and stare and I finally sit down in my land.
Accepting where it is I am.
"Hope is not the destination, it is the journey."
I see the signs for what they say.
And realize, the land I've been following
is no better than my own.
For so long I've flown.
And my land has all it needs.
And so, I sit down in the grass,
I go on my own and fly through space.
Taking it all in and letting it all go.
I've accepted I have what I need
and I know all that I need to know.
On through the universe
the destination is not mine
The journey is my experience. 
Where it is I end no longer matters.

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